Insurers May Notch Bigger Profits From Fewer Customers In ‘Trumpcare’
As Congress and the White House try to strike a bargain on an Obamacare repeal plan, the insurance industry likes what it’s seeing.
GOP Health Plan Aims To Curb Medicaid, Expand State Options
House Republicans’ latest plan to repeal Obamacare would give states flexibility in managing their Medicaid programs, but also some difficult decisions to make.
In Deep-Red Western N.C., Revered Congressman Leads Charge Against GOP Bill
Is Republican Rep. Mark Meadows the man who would kill “Trumpcare”? He enjoys strong support in his gerrymandered western North Carolina district as he leads conservative opposition to the GOP’s plan for repealing and replacing Obamacare.
On Medicaid Money, GOP Has Win-Or-Lose Proposition For States
The House Republicans’ bill to repeal Obamacare would change how the federal government allocates matching funds to state Medicaid programs — and could cost some states billions of dollars a year in federal aid.
A Health Reporter Walks Into Reagan National Airport …
Half-believing he could be free for just one night from covering Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, writer Phil Galewitz instead experiences eerie close encounters of the senatorial kind.
Proyecto republicano elimina el mandato individual y gran parte de la expansión del Medicaid
Los republicanos dieron a conocer el plan de salud con el que buscan reemplazar gran parte del Obamacare. Qué disposiciones se conservarían y cuáles podrían desaparecer por completo.
House GOP Health Bill Jettisons Insurance Mandate, Much Of Medicaid Expansion
After intense negotiations among party factions, Republican leaders unveil legislation that committees will mark up this week.
Grupo lucha para que el Medicare cubra atención dental completa
Un grupo formado por miembros de la industria de la salud oral, médicos y ex funcionarios federales, se unieron con una meta que también es un desafío de salud pública: lograr que el Medicare cubra ampliamente servicios de salud dental.
Dentistry Advocates Aim To Fill Medicare Gaps
Brushing aside a political climate that favors federal cuts in health care spending, advocates for oral health are pushing to expand Medicare to provide America’s elderly with dental benefits.
Influence Of GOP Doctors Caucus Grows As Congress Looks To Replace Health Law
As conservative physicians rise to more powerful positions in government, some question whether they speak for the nation’s doctors.
Pharmacies Thrive Selling Opioids For Depressed Small Town Pain
Prescription pain pills are strong sellers in this southeastern Kentucky region that’s long struggled with high rates of joblessness and poor health.
Indiana, Pence’s Home State, Seeks Federal OK To Keep Medicaid Expansion
Indiana asked the Trump administration Tuesday to renew funding for its Medicaid expansion under the health law, which is due to expire in January 2018.
21 Medicare Health Plans Warned To Fix Provider Directory Errors
Federal officials release names of insurers who ranked poorly in a recent review of their online directories’ accuracy.
Fewer Americans Paid Tax Penalty For Not Having Health Insurance In 2015
About 6.5 million Americans paid an average of $470 for not having health insurance in 2015, a requirement under the Affordable Care Act, the IRS reports.
In Towns That Lost Most Obamacare Insurers, Rate Increases Still Competitive
Premiums on 2017 plans are rising by comparable amounts both in counties where multiple insurers still compete and in those where only one insurer remains after several companies stopped selling individual plans under the health law, according to Avalere, a consulting firm.
Obamacare Enrollment Is Beating Last Year’s Early Pace
A record 6.4 million Americans signed up for plans through in the first weeks of open enrollment – 400,000 more than last year at this time, federal officials say.
Lo que podría hacer Mike Pence con el Medicaid
El gobernador de Indiana, Mike Pence, fue uno de los 10 gobernadores republicanos que expandió el Medicaid bajo el Obamacare, pero como compañero de fórmula del ahora presidente electo Donald Trump, está pidiendo la derogación y reemplazo de la ley.
Pence Expanded Health Coverage As Governor, Now Threatens To Take It Away
Indiana’s Obamacare Medicaid expansion — with a conservative twist — may offer lessons for Republicans’ “repeal and replace” promise.
In Depressed Rural Kentucky, Worries Grow Over Medicaid
Low-income residents in poverty-stricken Clay County worry what will happen to their health care if Gov. Matt Bevin’s ambitions to overhaul the state’s Medicaid program go forward.
Aborto por correo: mejor acceso pero fuerte controversia
Un pequeño estudio está evaluando la eficacia de enviar píldoras por correo, luego de una consulta médica por internet, para que las mujeres puedan tener el aborto en la intimidad del hogar.