Phil Galewitz

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ACA’s ‘Woodworking’ Effect Playing Out As 91,000 People Eligible For Medicaid Learn They Can Get Coverage

KFF Health News Original

Supporters and opponents of the federal health law still can’t decide whether to call it the “woodwork” or “welcome mat” effect — the millions of people currently eligible for Medicaid who are not enrolled and who are expected to sign up as a result of the Affordable Care Act. The Obama administration’s first enrollment report released […]

Medicaid Chief Thanks State Leaders, Even As They Skip Expansion Option

KFF Health News Original

It wasn’t all hugs and kisses,  but the nation’s top Medicaid official on Tuesday told Medicaid directors from around the country that she was proud of the job they were all doing — even though half of their states opted against expanding the state-federal health insurance program for the poor under the health law. “Hats off […]

Humana Exec Predicts Obamacare Open Enrollment Extension

KFF Health News Original

Humana, one of nation’s largest health insurers, said Wednesday that it expects the Obama administration to extend open enrollment for its troubled online marketplaces beyond March 31. But a spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Julie Bataille, said, “Consumers still have ample time to enroll in the six-month open enrollment period.” Millions […]

Obama Administration Hoping 800K Enroll By End Of November

KFF Health News Original

About 800,000 people are expected to enroll in the new online health insurance marketplaces by the end of November, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Marilyn Tavenner said Tuesday at a congressional hearing. A CMS official said later that estimate includes people signing up for Medicaid as well as private insurance. In a testimony […]

Study Points To “Imbalance” In Spending On Doctor Training

KFF Health News Original

Florida and New York have roughly the same population, but New York has five times as many Medicare-sponsored residency training positions and seven times the Medicare funding graduate medical education. The numbers give a glimpse into the “imbalance” in how Medicare distributes its $10 billion a year for graduate medical education (GME), according to a study […]

Administration Says 700,000 Have Applied For Obamacare Coverage

KFF Health News Original

The Obama administration said Thursday that 700,000 people have completed applications for coverage in the health law’s new marketplaces — a key step before people can begin shopping for insurance plans. But a spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services refused to break out how many of these applicants came through the 14 state-run […]

In Some States, Most Early Marketplace Enrollees Qualify For Medicaid

KFF Health News Original

In several states, most of the people enrolling through new online insurance marketplaces are signing on to Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program for the poor. The reason? Many of the uninsured are poor, and applicants don’t have to pay anything to sign up for Medicaid. Shoppers applying for private health coverage through the marketplace […]

States’ Medicaid Decisions Cost Community Health Centers

KFF Health News Original

Community health centers will pay a steep price for states’ decisions not to expand Medicaid under the federal health law. A new study by George Washington University researchers estimates that 518 health centers in the more than two dozen states not expanding Medicaid will lose out on $555 million next year because their uninsured patients won’t […]

Report: 5.2 Million Adults Will Fall Into ACA Coverage Gap Next Year

KFF Health News Original

About 5.2 million poor, uninsured adults will fall into the “coverage gap,” created by 26 states choosing not to expand Medicaid under the federal health law next year, according to a study released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation. (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.) These people are projected to have incomes too high to qualify […] Offers New Shopping Feature — Sort Of

KFF Health News Original

With consumers in 36 states struggling to access a federal exchange website to compare health plans, the Obama administration launched a new online tool Thursday that lets users see premium estimates by state, health plan and two age categories. One of the biggest criticisms of was that consumers had to create an account before they could even look to see what […]

Hawaiians Still Unable To Shop On State Exchange

KFF Health News Original

Hawaii, President Barack Obama’s birthplace, has the only online health insurance marketplace that has not yet launched. Ten days after the Hawaii Health Connector was supposed to allow consumers and small employers to shop and enroll for coverage, officials are using paper applications and referring people to insurers’ websites to check prices.  About 100,000 people are uninsured in Hawaii. It is […]

N.Y. Exchange Says 40,000 Have Applied For Coverage

KFF Health News Original

New York’s online insurance exchange on Tuesday said more than 40,000 people have completed applications for coverage so far, though not all have chosen a health plan. Officials from the exchange, called NY State of Health, said these applicants were found eligible to buy a health plan. Nationally, nearly 80,000 people have applied for coverage in the […]

Why Some Veterinarians Have a Bone To Pick With Obamacare

KFF Health News Original

Dr. Douglas Aspros says the federal health law is increasing his costs to buy medical equipment, which he has no choice but to pass onto his patients — most whom are uninsured. None of Aspros’ patients, though, will benefit from the law’s expansion of  coverage.  Aspros, you see, treats dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, parrots and other […]

Report: Even States Not Expanding Medicaid Will See Surge In Spending, Enrollment

KFF Health News Original

Medicaid enrollment is expected to surge by nearly 12 percent next year in states expanding the program under the health law, but even states that will not expand eligibility project a 5 percent jump in the number of people enrolled in the state-federal health insurance program for the poor, according to a new report issued Monday. Total federal and state […]

Federal Insurance Marketplace Can’t Yet ‘Talk’ To State Medicaid Agencies

KFF Health News Original

The health law’s online insurance exchanges were supposed to be a one-stop shop where consumers browsing for coverage could enroll in a private health plan or in Medicaid if they qualified. But that won’t happen with the federal exchange being relied upon by consumers in 36 states, at least not initially. The federal website won’t be […]