Phil Galewitz

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Consumers Can Take First Step To Enrolling In New Insurance Options Today

KFF Health News Original

Consumers in most states can start the process of enrolling in Obamacare today — but they won’t be able to compare health insurance prices or buy coverage in the new federally run insurance online marketplaces until Oct. 1, administration officials said Monday. People in the 34 states relying on a federal insurance exchange can go to […]

State Budget Officials In Alaska For Annual Gathering

KFF Health News Original

It may be the dog days of summer, but it’s peak conference season. And as much of the nation melts under a heat wave, one conference stands out for both its location and its attendees. The National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) — representing the state officials who count the pennies and balance the accounts — is […]

Few Medicaid Docs Have Seen 2013 Pay Raise

KFF Health News Original

Most primary care doctors are still waiting for that Medicaid pay raise that was scheduled to begin in January under the Affordable Care Act, but a federal official says the government has now approved applications from 48 states to begin paying the higher rates. A spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says with those approvals in […]

Community Health Centers – In Every State – Get Obamacare Outreach Funds

KFF Health News Original

The nation’s community health centers — which treat the poor and uninsured– apparently know a good deal when they see one. Nearly all 1,200 federally funded community health centers applied for and will be getting a piece of $150 million in federal health law money to enroll patients in new online health insurance marketplaces starting Oct.1. Federal health officials on […]

Study: Competition, Not Need, Drives Hospital Cardiac Care Investment

KFF Health News Original

U.S. hospitals spent up to $4 billion adding angioplasty services over a four year period, but the new services did little to improve access to timely medical care, says a study published Tuesday in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Between 2004 to 2008, some 251 hospitals added the invasive and often life-saving cardiac […]

Sebelius: Administration Is Negotiating Rates In Federal Exchanges

KFF Health News Original

Hoping to get consumers the best prices, the Obama administration is negotiating with insurers looking to sell policies in online health insurance marketplaces this fall, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday. “Negotiations are underway and we will be negotiating rates across the country,” Sebelius said at a news briefing. HHS officials said last […]

11 Insurers Want To Play Ball In Colorado’s Marketplace

KFF Health News Original

Corrected at 6:00 p.m. to reflect that 11 insurers, rather than 17 have submitted policies to sell in the state’s new online health insurance marketplace.  The larger number includes those proposing to sell both inside and outside the online marketplace. Colorado became the latest state Wednesday to post proposed health insurance plans for its new online […]

Accuracy of Blood Glucose Meters Draws Scrutiny

KFF Health News Original

Blood glucose meters, which millions of diabetics rely upon to regulate their blood sugar, have become less costly and easier and less painful to use. But they haven’t become more accurate, a top Food and Drug Administration official said Tuesday at a meeting of researchers analyzing studies that show wide variation in the performance of the machines […]

Most Doctors Still Waiting On Medicaid Pay Raise

KFF Health News Original

Five months after primary care doctors who treat Medicaid patients were supposed get a big pay raise, most physicians have yet to see it. Only three states have implemented the pay raise — Nevada, Michigan and Massachusetts, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. The two-year pay hike is intended to entice more doctors to treat […]

CMS Won’t Penalize Hospitals In States Slow To Expand Medicaid

KFF Health News Original

That sigh of relief you heard Monday was from hospital administrators in nearly two dozen states, including Florida and Texas. That’s because the Obama administration announced that for the next two years, it doesn’t plan to penalize states that have yet to expand Medicaid coverage under the federal health law by targeting them for reduced Medicaid funding, according […]