Phil Galewitz

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Health Bills In Congress Won’t Fix Doctor Shortage

KFF Health News Original

Even as Congress moves to expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans, it’s doing little to ensure there will be enough primary care doctors to meet the expected surge in demand for treatment. One prediction: the shortage of family doctors will reach 40,000 by 2019, as medical schools send about half the needed number of graduates into primary care medicine.

“Free-Rider” Penalty For Employers Draws Ire From Advocates, Yawns From Business

KFF Health News Original

Unions and advocates for low-income workers are criticizing a possible Senate Finance Committee move to drop an employer mandate in favor of a “free-rider” penalty. The provision would require companies to pay for part of the subsidies for uninsured workers to buy health insurance on the proposed exchanges. Business lobbyists say it’s better than a straight mandate.