Phil Galewitz

“Free-Rider” Penalty For Employers Draws Ire From Advocates, Yawns From Business

KFF Health News Original

Unions and advocates for low-income workers are criticizing a possible Senate Finance Committee move to drop an employer mandate in favor of a “free-rider” penalty. The provision would require companies to pay for part of the subsidies for uninsured workers to buy health insurance on the proposed exchanges. Business lobbyists say it’s better than a straight mandate.

Highly Praised Health Systems Say Medicare Payment Practices Need Overhaul

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Integrated health systems have won kudos for their performances from President Obama. But officials at the health systems say the health overhaul bills being debated in Congress don’t reward them or encourage others to imitate them. They want lawmakers to move more aggressively to change the Medicare payment system to prod hospitals and doctors to provide better, less expensive care.

Hospitals, After Agreeing to Cuts, Push Ahead With a Full Agenda

KFF Health News Original

Hospital officials today agreed to federal-payment cuts to help pay for a health care overhaul. They hope their concessions will build good will with the Obama administration and Democratic lawmakers. They’re pressing for action on a host of other issues, including Medicaid reimbursements and funding for graduate medical education.

Hospital Deal Could Come Wednesday

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The hospital industry is nearing a deal with the White House and congressional Democrats to accept Medicare and Medicaid cuts. Such an agreement, coming on the heels of one with the drug industry, would increase momentum for overhauling the health care system by providing additional funds to finance the effort.

Hospitals Close to Agreeing to $150 Billion-$170 Billion in Cuts for Health Reform

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Exclusive: The hospital industry is nearing a deal with the White House and congressional Democrats to accept Medicare and Medicaid cuts. Such an agreement, coming on the heels of one with the drug industry, would increase momentum for overhauling the health care system by providing additional funds to finance the effort.

Medicaid: True Or False?

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Medicaid is front and center in the debate on overhauling the U.S health system and expanding coverage to the uninsured. With 60 million enrollees, Medicaid dwarfs other insurance programs, including its cousin, Medicare, which covers 44 million elderly and disabled people. Here’s a chance to test your knowledge of Medicaid.