Stephanie Stapleton

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Today’s Headlines – January 20, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning and happy Friday to you! Here are your morning headlines post the GOP debate in South Carolina: The Associated Press/Washington Post: Obama To Press Congress to Revisit Last Year’s Failed Attempt At $1.2T Deficit Cut The proposal runs counter to the common wisdom in Washington that any major deficit reduction effort is unlikely […]

Today’s Headlines – January 19, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your morning headlines: The Associated Press/Washington Post: White House Says Health Overhaul On Track In Many States, But Prepares Federal Backstop Anyway President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul is on track in many states, the White House asserted Wednesday. But officials said the administration is preparing a federal backstop anyway for […]

Today’s Headlines – January 18, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your headlines to get you going: The Wall Street Journal: Nearly Half Of U.S. Lives In Household Receiving Government Benefits The pool of Americans relying on government benefits rose to record highs last year as an increasing share of families tapped aid in a weak economy. Some 48.6% of the population […]

Today’s Headlines – January 17, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your early morning headlines! The Washington Post: Obama Hopes To Strike Balance In State Of Union Address The president has been using the refrain “Change is . . . ” to catalogue a list of actions — including rescuing the auto industry, enacting health-care reform and ending the war in Iraq — he […]

Today’s Headlines – January 13, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Here are your headlines: NPR: Biggest Bucks In Health Care Are Spent On A Very Few Researchers from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality looked at the way people actually spend money on health care. They found that half the population spends practically nothing on health care in any given year, while […]

Today’s Headlines – January 12, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your headlines to get your morning going: The Hill’s Healthwatch: Nearly 500 State Lawmakers To Press Supreme Court To Uphold Healthcare Mandate More than 480 state lawmakers plan to file a brief Thursday urging the Supreme Court to uphold President Obama’s healthcare law. The group includes at least one lawmaker from […]

Today’s Headlines – January 11, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your morning headlines: The Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog: Tax Anti-Injunction Act? Whatevs… Just Sue The States Before the Supreme Court reviews the challenges to President Barack Obama’s health-care overhaul, it has to answer another question: Is the whole thing premature? Federal appellate judges in the Fourth Circuit and the D.C. […]

Today’s Headlines – January 10, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your headlines for the morning: The New York Times: Recession Holds Down Health Spending National health spending rose a slight 3.9 percent in 2010, as Americans delayed hospital care, doctor’s visits and prescription drug purchases for the second year in a row, the Obama administration reported Monday (Pear, 1/9). Los Angeles […]

Today’s Headlines – January 9, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your early morning news highlights to get your day going! The Washington Post: Administration To High Court: Congress Acted Within Rights On Health-Care Law Congress was “well within” its constitutional powers when it decided that the way to resolve a crisis in health-care costs and coverage was to mandate that Americans […]

Today’s Headlines – January 6, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Here are your headlines to start your morning! The New York Times: Romney Facing Risks Left And Right To Democrats, it is a straw-man formulation that twists the facts of Mr. Obama’s record and implies that the president is somehow less than American. The largest entitlement programs — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid — […]

Today’s Headlines – January 5, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are some health headlines to get your day started: The Wall Street Journal: Health-Law Opponents Try To Add Plaintiffs To Lawsuit A small-business group fighting President Barack Obama’s health-care law asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday to add two plaintiffs to its lawsuit after possible problems arose with an initial plaintiff. The […]

Today’s Headlines – January 4, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! It’s freezing cold in our nation’s capitol, here are some headlines to warm yourself by: Politico: Iowa Caucus Results: Mitt Romney Edges Rick Santorum In Iowa Mitt Romney edged Rick Santorum by a mere eight votes in Tuesday’s Iowa caucuses — a margin that amounted to a tie in the crucial opening act […]

Today’s Headlines – January 3, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! We’re back with your early morning headlines! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that New York seniors are experiencing reduced prescription coverage and more California patients are being added to the health insurance rolls. The New York Times: New Laws Now Evaluated By Job Creation After years of judging […]

Today’s Headlines – December 21, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Los Angeles Times: With Payroll Tax Cut Unresolved, Congress Packs Up After weeks of bitter partisan wrangling, the Capitol emptied for the holidays with no sign of negotiation toward a compromise that would save an expiring tax break. As of Jan. 1, the payroll tax cut that has been in place all year […]

Today’s Headlines – December 20, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your morning headlines to get you up and at ’em: The New York Times: House Set To Vote Down Payroll Tax Cut Extension A core group of conservative House members … have balked all year at short-term spending agreements, including proposed legislation to raise the debt ceiling and bills to increase […]

Today’s Headlines – December 19, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your A.M. headlines to get you going: The New York Times: Extension Of Tax Cut Stalls In House As GOP Objects The once-seemingly sure deal, which allowed the Senate to recess for the year, was for a $33 billion package of bills to keep the Social Security tax paid by most […]

Today’s Headlines – December 16, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning and happy Friday! Here are your morning headlines. The Washington Post: Medicare’s ‘SGR’ Formula Has Snowballed To Budget-Busting Juggernaut It was adopted by Congress in 1997 almost as an afterthought — a new formula to keep Medicare spending on doctors from growing faster than the economy as a whole. But like a snowball […]

Today’s Headlines – December 15, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about a new approach being advanced by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to overhauling Medicare. The New York Times: Lawmakers Offer Bipartisan Plan To Overhaul Medicare A Democratic senator, Ron Wyden of Oregon, and a Republican member of the […]

Today’s Headlines – December 14, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your early morning headlines: The New York Times: House Passes Extension Of Cut To Payroll Taxes … [T]he House on Tuesday passed a bill extending a cut in Social Security payroll taxes for 160 million Americans for another year. But the Democratic majority in the Senate vowed to reject the measure. […]

Today’s Headlines – December 13, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your early morning headlines: The Washington Post: House To Vote On Extension Of Payroll-Tax Reduction A Republican aide said conservative lawmakers have been persuaded to support the bill because of how its costs would be covered. The bill, which would also extend unemployment benefits and avert deep scheduled cuts in Medicare […]