Stephanie Stapleton

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Today’s Headlines – Nov. 1, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning. Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations include a report that the health law’s early retirees’ health insurance fund may be running out. Politico: Social Forces May Limit Health Care Reform The health care reform law gives federal health officials a new mandate to address the fact that racial and ethnic minorities […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 31, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Happy Halloween! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about a key medical group’s take on accountable care organizations and how a “merger wave” is hitting the health care sector. Los Angeles Times: Deficit Reduction Panel Reaches Crucial Juncture The super committee has until Thanksgiving to reach an accord. A deal to […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 28, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about the health law’s public support, the latest on the super committee and news about the cost of Medicare Part B premiums. The Wall Street Journal: Repeal Health Law? It Won’t Be Easy Every Republican presidential candidate has promised to repeal the Obama […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 27, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, featuring details of the super committee’s latest action — the Dems’ $3 trillion debt deal, which includes a $400 billion Medicare plan; and the GOP counter approach. The Washington Post: Congressional Democrats Offer $3 Trillion Debt Deal Congressional Democrats are urging the debt-reduction supercommittee to […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 26, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about the public’s distrust of government, the super committee’s progress — or lack thereof and the latest from the campaign trail. The New York Times: New Poll Finds A Deep Distrust Of Government With Election Day just over a year away, a deep […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 25, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that a group of Republcian governors communicated their concerns to the super committee. The Washington Post: Republican Governors Submit Recommendations To Debt “Supercommittee’ Four GOP governors sent a letter Monday to the congressional joint committee tasked with drafting a plan to reduce the […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 24, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good Monday morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including speculation about how the Supreme Court might review the health law and what’s happening with the super committee. Politico: High Court Call On Health Care If the Supreme Court decides to review President Barack Obama’s health reform law, it will also have to […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 21, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including more details about the Department of Health and Human Services’ revised rule for accountable care organizations. The Washington Post: Obama Administration Revises Medicare Rules For Coordinated Care The move was greeted with jubilation by groups representing doctors and hospitals. But organizations for insurers and […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 20, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports analyzing the super committee’s progress, and detailing how Republican rivals’ stabs at ‘Romneycare’ are starting to gaining traction. The Washington Post: Supercommittee’s Lack Of Progress On Debt Reduction Raises Alarms On Hill Committee members say there is still time to cut a deal […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 19, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including a report that health policy issues triggered “withering attacks” during last night’s Las Vegas GOP presidential debate. Los Angeles Times: Vegas Debate: Romney Faces Withering Attacks Over Healthcare After the candidates sliced and diced Herman Cain’s “9-9-9” plan, they turned their attention to the […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 18, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about the emerging strategies to undo the 2010 health law. Politico: Olympia Snowe Breaks From GOP On Health Care Sen. Olympia Snowe, the most moderate Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, parted ways with her GOP colleagues over their calls for tighter Medicare eligibility […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 17, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including the latest on the super committee’s deliberations, the demise of the CLASS program and Herman Cain’s health policy positions. The Washington Post: Some States Seek Flexibility To Push Health-Care Overhaul Further A handful of states are pursuing health measures that go far beyond the Obama […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 14, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including more status reports on the super committee’s deficit-reduction deliberations. USA Today: Congress Funnels Deficit-Cutting Ideas To ‘Supercommittee’ When it set up a “supercommittee” to find $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction, Congress also asked other committees to weigh in with advice about what spending to cut. […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 13, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including a report about how Mitt Romney’s health law waiver plan would work — states could skirt some of the measure’s biggest requirements, but it’s still not a complete repeal. Politico: How Romney’s Waivers Would Work Gov. Mitt Romney says he has a plan that […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 12, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports detailing how GOP rivals targeted Mitt Romney during last night’s presidential debate, and how Romney defended his health plan. Los Angeles Times: GOP Rivals Target Mitt Romney At Debate Targeted by a Republican field trying to blunt his renewed surge to the […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 10, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about how Mitt Romney taking heat from the other GOP hopefuls, with some of the fire focusing on his Massachusetts health overhaul. The New York Times: Many In Both Parties Want A Window Into The Deficit Reduction Panel’s Work On one crucial point, a […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 10, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Politico: Health Care Reform’s Fate To Be Determined By 2012 The supporters aren’t panicking — but they’re paying attention. “The prospects of the Affordable Care Act hinge totally on the 2012 elections,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of the health care consumer group Families USA. “If President Obama is reelected — and I’m fairly confident […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 7, 2011

KFF Health News Original

In today’s headlines, reports about what the Institute of Medicine recommends in terms of the criteria and methods the Department of Health and Human Services should follow in developing the health law’s essential benefits package. The New York Times: Panel Says U.S. Should Weigh Cost In Deciding ‘Essential Health Benefits’ The National Academy of Sciences […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 6, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about the latest from Capitol Hill and on the campaign trail, as well as findings from new research related to health care quality issues. Politico: If The Mandate Goes, Will The Health Law Stay? While the impending Supreme Court debate over President Barack Obama’s […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 5, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s headlines include reports about Congress’ continuing struggle with budget and spending issues. Politico: Tax, Entitlement Deal Still In Play If Republicans believe that tax reform will lead to higher revenues, now is the time to lay away a down payment for that future. If Democrats are committed to a long-term fix for Medicare physician […]