Stephanie Stapleton

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Today’s Headlines – Oct. 4, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that the Supreme Court kicked off its new term by hearing a key Medicaid case that tests whether providers and patients can go to court to challenge decisions by cash-strapped states to reduce Medicaid payments. Los Angeles Times: High Court Hears Key Medicaid Case […]

Today’s Headlines – Oct. 3, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good Monday morning! Today’s headlines include stories previewing how health policy issues will fit into the Supreme Court’s new term. Politico: Larger Deal May Elude Deficit Panel A month into the supercommittee’s term, Senate Republicans are telling K Street that they don’t believe the powerful deficit-cutting panel can reach a “grand bargain” agreement, sources familiar with […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 30, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Today’s headlines include reports about how new and old health policy positions are playing on the campaign trail. The New York Times: Some Common Ground For Legal Adversaries On Health Care The 2010 health care overhaul law has provoked an unprecedented clash between the federal government and 26 states, dividing them on fundamental questions about […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 29, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that a Supreme Court ruling on the 2010 health law is now likely before the 2012 presidential election. The New York Times: Supreme Court Is Asked To Rule On Health Care The Obama administration asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday to hear a case […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 28, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning health policy world! Today’s headlines include reports about the costs of employer insurance plans and the final installment of KHN’s Building Ambitions series. Kaiser Health News: Building Ambitions: The Big Money World Of Kids’ Care – Children’s Hospitals May Face Leaner Future (Part 3 of 3) Reporting for Kaiser Health News, in collaboration with McClatchy, […]

Today’s headlines – Sept. 27, 2011

KFF Health News Original

In today’s headlines, reports that the Obama administration decided not to ask the full 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to take up a challenge to the health law, making it likely that the Supreme Court could rule on the measure’s constitutionality early next year. Also in the news, part 2 of KHN’s “Building Ambitions” series. Kaiser Health […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 26, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good Monday Morning! Let’s get this week started: Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including the first installment of KHN’s three-day series, “The Big Money World Of Kid’s Care.” Kaiser Health News: Building Ambitions: The Big Money World Of Kids’ Care (A Three-Day Series) Reporting for Kaiser Health News, in collaboration with […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 23, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! In today’s headlines, the skinny on how health policy issues played in Thursday night’s GOP presidential primary debate. Los Angeles Times: Obama Alienating Some Democratic Moderates With Fiscal Stance Staking out fiscally conservative positions, Democrats over the last several elections have managed to steal voters from Republicans in some unlikely places, such as Montana and […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 22, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that young adults are making gains in health coverage rates. Los Angeles Times: AARP To ‘Supercommittee’: Hands Off Social Security And Medicare AARP,  which lobbies on behalf of seniors, has launched a television campaign designed to persuade members of the congressional “super committee” charged […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 21, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including additional anaylsis of President Barack Obama’s deficit-reduction plan and how it could impact patients. The New York Times: In Cuts To Health Programs, Experts See Difficult Task In Protecting Patients President Obama and some members of Congress assert that, in cutting Medicare and Medicaid, […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 20, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including details and analysis of President Barack Obama’s debt-reduction plan, which would trim health programs by $320 billion and links such entitlement trims to new taxes. The New York Times: Obama Proposes $320 Billion In Medicare And Medicaid Cuts Over 10 Years Mr. Obama proposed higher […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 19, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good Monday morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about how Medicare and Medicaid will fare in President Barack Obama’s deficit-reduction plan. The Washington Post: Obama’s Debt-Reduction Plan: $3 Trillion In Savings, Half From New Tax Revenue But the president won’t call for any changes in Social Security, officials say, and […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 16, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that, despite dire predictions by health law opponents about the Medicare Advantage program, its premiums are falling and its enrollment is rising. The Washington Post: Boehner Says No New Taxes For Debt Panel House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) on Thursday reaffirmed GOP […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 15, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about what might be included in President Obama’s detailed plan to tame the federal federal budget. Here’s a hint: Social Security changes are unlikely, but what about Medicare? The Washington Post: Obama Unlikely To Put Social Security Cuts Back On The Table, […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 14, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including lots of talk about the ‘super committe’ and about the new census numbers regarding the uninsured as well as the second-day analysis regarding some of the controversial comments made during Monday night’s GOP presidential primary debate. The New York Times: Democrats See Perils […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 13, 2011

KFF Health News Original

In today’s headlines, a report that new Census data is expected to show that working-age people are losing ground in terms of their health insurance coverage. The Associated Press/Washington Post: Census Data Expected To Show Working-Age People Losing Ground In Terms Of Poverty, Insurance Hurt by high unemployment, working-age Americans are expected to lose ground when […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 12, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about the pressures faced by the ‘super committee’ as well as the latest on how states are doing with the implementation of the health law. The New York Times: Pressure Builds On Deficit Panel To ‘Go Big,’ Beyond Its Mandate, In Cuts A […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 9, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Friday has come again, this time at the end of a short week, and here’s what we’re reading: In today’s headlines, reports about the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision blocking two health law challenges and the congressional debt panel’s first meeting. The New York Times: Court Blocks Suit Against Health Law A federal appellate court […]

Today’s Headlines – Sept. 8, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! In today’s headlines, reports from last night’s GOP presidential debate, as well as explorations of what the future might hold for the ‘Super Committee’ and physician payment. The Washington Post: Debt Supercommittee Faces Super-Sized Challenges The new bipartisan congressional committee created to reduce the federal deficit will hold its first meeting Thursday, and if […]