Stephanie Stapleton

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Today’s Headlines – July 8, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Here’s what we’re reading in anticipation of the weekend: Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that budget negotiators are setting their sights on a “grand debt deal” — a concept that is causing some Democrats concern regarding how safety net programs will fare. The New York Times: Still […]

Today’s Headlines – July 7, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good Thursday Morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about signs of progress in the debt-reduction talks and details of a new study that finds Medicaid makes a big difference in people’s lives. The New York Times: President Looks For Broader Deal On Deficit Cuts The president’s renewed efforts follow what […]

Today’s Headlines – July 6, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about how budget pressures and the deficit reduction negotiations are having an impact on Medicare and Medicaid. Kaiser Health News: A Dozen States Slice Medicaid Payments To Doctors, Hospitals Kaiser Health News staff writer Phil Galewitz, working in collaboration with USA Today, […]

Health Exchange Rule – What’s Vital To Success?

KFF Health News Original

Health exchanges — online marketplaces often compared to sites like Expedia or Travelocity because they’ll give consumers a range of health insurance options — are vital to the success of the federal health law. So policy experts and industry officials are eagerly awaiting a proposed federal rule, due out any day, on how the exchanges will work. […]

Today’s Headlines – July 5, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good Tuesday morning! Back from break and looking to catch up on what happened over the weekend? We’ve got it for you. Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about how Medicare, Medicaid and the health care industry might fare in the ongoing budget negotiations. The New York Times: Administration Offers […]

Today’s Headlines – June 30, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good Thursday morning! Here’s what we’re reading today: Today’s headlines include reports about yesterday’s decision from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the health law. The New York Times: Round 1 In Appeals Of Health Care Overhaul Goes to Obama The Obama administration prevailed Wednesday in the first appellate review of the 2010 health […]

Today’s Headlines – June 29, 2011

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here’s what we’re reading early this Wednesday: Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations include reports about a new plan offered by two senators to cut Medicare spending — but some top Democrats are lined up against it. The Washington Post: Top Democrats Reject New Plan To Cut Medicare Spending Leading […]

Checking In With… Mediation Expert Nancy Lesser On Congress’ Current Health Reform Dynamics

KFF Health News Original

To an outside observer, the congressional impasse triggered by the health reform debate may seem increasingly entrenched – poisoned by politics and conflicting agendas. But to a trained mediator, the debate’s dynamics are not so surprising. Nancy Lesser, a principal at PAX ADR, an alternative dispute resolution firm in Washington, D.C., says the term of […]

Health Policy Week In Review: The White House Touts Medicare Rebate Checks And Senate Dems Struggle To Advance Jobs Bill

KFF Health News Original

Administration officials tout the Medicare drug rebate as an early and tangible benefit of health reform while Senate Democrats continue trying to advance a legislative package that includes the Medicare physician payment fix and, potentially, an extension of enhanced Medicaid funding for states.

Week In Review: States Brace For The End Of Medicaid Enhanced Funding, Physicians Press For Medicare ‘Doc Fix,’ And The N.Y. Times Critiques The Dartmouth Atlas

KFF Health News Original

Much of this week’s major health policy news stems directly from Congress’ unfinished business related to the Medicare ‘doc fix’ as well as the House Democrats’ decision not to include enhanced Medicaid funding and COBRA benefit subsidies in their sweeping jobs bill.