A Slippery Slope To Defunding The Health Law
As the House considers its repeal of the health law’s unpopular 1099 reporting provision, the measure’s premium tax credits are being eyed as a possible pay-for.
For Health Overhaul, Implementation Is Now Job One
Despite the outcomes of the mid-term elections, the health overhaul is the law, and it’s up to HHS to make the “vital protections” it put into a place a reality.
The NAIC’s Effort To Find Balance In Its Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
The development of this draft rule is not a contest with winners and losers, but an effort to create a framework to press insurers to spend less money on bureaucracy and more on health care in a way that benefits consumers and keeps insurance markets viable.
The Medical Loss Ratio Requirements Are Being Carefully Crafted
In a response to the August 23 opinion column by Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Michael Ramlet, Timothy Jost, a National Association of Insurance Commissioners consumer representative, says the NAIC has been meticulously transparent and participatory in its processes to implement the medical loss ratio requirement.
Behind The Scenes of Health Reform: The National Association of Insurance Commissioners
The health overhaul does establish new national requirements that insurers must meet. To help coordinate state regulatory efforts, health reform looks to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.