
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Medicare Targets Health Plans With Low Ratings

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Medicare officials are encouraging 525,000 beneficiaries to switch out of these 26 Medicare Advantage and drug plans that have received low ratings for three consecutive years.

VP Debate: Two Visions For Medicare

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Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan laid out their parties’ competing visions for Medicare at the vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., on Thursday.

Denver Debate: The Candidates Discuss Medicare

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Medicare and how to rein in its rapidly growning costs was a major focus of Wednesday night’s presidential debate in Denver between President Barack Obama and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.

House Republicans Attack Obama Administration On Medicare Advantage

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In this edition of Health on the Hill, KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey interviews CQ Roll Call’s Emily Ethridge about today’s House Ways and Means health subcommittee hearing on the health law’s cuts to the private Medicare Advantage program.

Obama’s Health Care Record

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Here’s a summary of President Barack Obama’s record on a range of health care issues, including Medicare.

Paul Ryan’s Health Care Record

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By choosing Wis. Rep. Paul Ryan to be his running mate, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has put Medicare on the table as a major 2012 campaign issue. Here’s a summary of Ryan’s record on a range of health care issues, including Medicare.

FAQ: How Paul Ryan Proposes To Change Medicare

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The Republican-controlled House, along party lines, twice approved Ryan’s proposals to overhaul the popular program by giving beneficiaries a set amount of money every year to buy coverage from competing health plans. That is a fundamental shift from today’s program, where the federal government must help pay for every doctor visit and medical service that an individual uses.