
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Text: Fiscal Commission’s Recommendations On Health Care Spending

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The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform released its long-awaited report on recommendations to cope with the national debt, now and into the future, “The Moment of Truth.” Seven of the 66 pages concerned health care spending, especially focusing on Medicare.

Hispanics Living Longer Than Whites, Blacks. But Why?

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For the first time, the statisticians over at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figured out how to estimate the life expectancy of Hispanics in this country.

Building Homes To Age In

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With baby boomers about to turn 65, homebuilders see a big market for a building concept called universal design. It means houses are designed so owners can stay as they grow old — even if they develop physical limitations. The trick is making them beautiful enough that no one suspects they’re meant for seniors.

Five Questions for Gail Sheehy On Caregiving

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Gail Sheehy talks about her latest book “Passages In Caregiving: From Chaos To Confidence,” a personal story which includes advice on how to navigate the process.

Seniors Still In The Dark On New Health Law

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That fact that people don’t know a lot about what’s in the new health law isn’t exactly news. But a new poll that shows just how little Grandma and Grandpa know about it must be giving the new law’s supporters a serious case of heartburn. That’s because seniors are not just a key voting bloc […]

In Sickness and In Health: Elderly Caregivers

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Caring for a sick or disabled elderly relative exacts a toll — physical, emotional, financial — on any family member, but being a spousal caregiver brings particular challenges.

Will Private Long-Term Care Insurance Supplement the CLASS Act?

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CLASS takes a step towards moving long-term care financing from the welfare-like Medicaid program to an insurance-based system. But CLASS alone won’t get there. Private insurance, currently a niche product that covers only about seven million Americans, will have to play an important role as well.