
Latest KFF Health News Stories

The Unresolved Question Of Medicaid Reimbursements

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Over the next few weeks, as the House and Senate forge a compromise between their respective health care reform bills, most of the attention will be on the high-profile issues like abortion and taxes. But there are myriad other issues that, although less visible to the public, could go a long way towards determining the success of health care reform. High on this list is the seemingly technical question of what Medicaid pays primary care physicians.

How The House Abortion Restrictions Would Work

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Legislation approved by the House Saturday would bar insurers from selling policies that cover abortion if purchased with federal subsidies. There are already states that have similar policies.

Health Care Bills Would Expand Medicaid Eligibility

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Both the House and Senate health care proposals would expand Medicaid eligibility to about 133 percent of the federal poverty level. Although the measures would help the states cover the costs, governors are worried that the additional federal money simply won’t be enough. KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey offers her insight.

Arizona Faces ‘Financial Tsunami’ Over Medicaid

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While Washington lawmakers are discussing an expansion of Medicaid, Arizona is having trouble paying for the program at its current level. The state has one of the highest Medicaid rates in the country, with about 1 out of every 5 residents covered by the program for the poor. This story comes from our partner NPR News.