
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Implementation Of Obamacare Remains A Work In Progress

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With the Supreme Court decision, it appears the Affordable Care Act will stand, but that doesn’t mean the law’s troubles are over. NPR’s Renee Montagne talks to KHN’s Julie Rovner.

High Court Upholds Health Law Subsidies

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The 6-3 ruling stopped a challenge that would have erased subsidies in at least 34 states for individuals and families buying insurance through the federal government’s online marketplace.

Why Did The Supreme Court Uphold The Health Law’s Subsidies?

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The Supreme Court Thursday upheld a key part of the 2010 health law – tax subsidies for people who buy health insurance on marketplaces run by the federal government. KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey discusses the decision with Stuart Taylor Jr., of the Brookings Institution, and KHN’s Julie Appleby.

Growing Pains For State Obamacare Exchanges

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Minnesota, Colorado and Connecticut are figuring out how to continue running their health insurance marketplaces as federal start-up funding runs out.