
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Jonathan Gruber Video Comments Roil Health Law Politics

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Videotaped comments by a former consultant on the Affordable Care Act has created serious political blowback for the Obama administration, just as the administration seeks to focus attention on the health law’s second open-enrollment season.

State Health Insurance Exchanges Hope To Woo Urban Minorities

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Tomorrow it begins again – open enrollment for Obamacare. Two very successful state health insurance exchanges, Connecticut’s and California’s, are both intent on reaching people who avoided signing up last year – especially young Latinos and African-Americans. “The big takeaway for us last year was that the uninsured were really pocketed in a couple of […]

Questions & Answers About Coverage Options Under The Health Law

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In the second of two installments, KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and health policy analyst Susan Dentzer joined Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour Wednesday to answer questions from consumers about health insurance enrollment and the health care law.

Answers For Consumers As Obamacare Enrollment Reopens

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KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and health policy analyst Susan Dentzer joined Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour Tuesday to answer questions from consumers about enrollment and the health care law.

North Carolinian Credits Early Cancer Diagnosis To New Health Coverage

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In March, after Kimberly Tonyan got health insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchange, she spoke at a news conference urging others to enroll. Her 11-year-old twins stood at her side in Raleigh, N.C. “You have nothing to lose,” the Cornelius woman said, “but your life.” Little did she know. This copyrighted story comes from […]

Calif. ‘Report Cards’ Are Out In Time For Open Enrollment

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The state timed the release of this year’s report cards to coincide with the second round of open enrollment in Covered California, the state’s online health exchange, which kicks off Nov. 15. Several plans included in the report cards are offered on the exchange.