
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Political Leaders Sound Off On Health Law Decision With Speeches

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker John Boehner, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and President Obama react to Thursday’s Supreme Court decision on the health law with speeches.

AdvaMed’s Nexon: Expect More Health Cost Reduction Pressure

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David Nexon, a top health care adviser to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, says that no matter what the outcome is of the Supreme Court deliberations or the fall elections, tremendous pressure to reduce spending and cut the deficit will continue to push lawmakers to find ways to control health care costs.

Ahead Of Elections, GOP Readies Vote On Repealing Parts Of Health Law

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KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey talks with Jackie Judd about two measures from the health law that the House GOP will attempt to roll back in votes this week. Republicans want votes on repeal now, Carey says, to make an economic argument ahead of elections.

Federal Budget: Health Care Politics Trump Policy

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KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Jackie Judd discuss the congressional wrangling over the federal budget and what’s ahead for the automatic cuts scheduled for January.

In Victory Speech, Romney Goes After Health Law

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As Mitt Romney celebrated his primary night wins in Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and New York, he attacked the Affordable Care Act and the president.

Video: Santorum Still Swinging At Romney About Health Care Record

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After his primary victories in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia, Mitt Romney attacked President Obama on a variety of social and economic issues, briefly mentioning health care. Meanwhile, challenger Rick Santorum went after Romney by reprising his theme that the former Massachusetts governor would be a weak candidate against Obama on health care.

Vigorous Questions On Severability, Medicaid On Final Day

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The justices heard from the opposing lawyers about issues as basic as ‘what is liberty?’ and whether it’s better to ‘fix’ flaws in legislation or scrap it entirely. Legal analyst Stuart Taylor, Jr., talks with Jackie Judd about the last 2

Your Guide To What Happened At The Supreme Court, Day 1

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The first day’s arguments focused on the Anti-Injunction Act and whether the court can rule on the case before a penalty is imposed on those who do not have health insurance. KHN’s reporter inside the court, Stuart Taylor, tells Jackie Judd that all the justices, except one, seemed eager to ask questions.

Health Industries Weigh In On Supreme Court Case

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Insurers, hospitals and drug makers all cut deals to help shape the health law. Now, as the Supreme Court awaits arguments, the industry groups are deploying different strategies to defend their interests before the High Court.