
Latest KFF Health News Stories

In Victory And Defeat, Romney And Santorum Bash Health Law

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GOP presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum struck out at the Democrats’ health law in speeches Tuesday night after Romney won both the Arizona and Michigan GOP primaries.

Will We Get The Biggest Bang From Health Law’s Prevention Grants?

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Backers of the health law’s provision of $15 billion for prevention efforts believe it has the potential to improve health and reduce costs. But some question the administration’s decision to sprinkle money for community programs among dozens of groups testing different approaches, rather than channeling it to proven programs. Ken Thorpe, who chairs the Department of Health Policy […]

Video: Romney Calls Health Law ‘Fourth Entitlement’

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In Monday’s GOP presidential candidate debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, front-runner Mitt Romney described his approach to Medicare, which includes charging wealthier recipients more and including ‘premium supports.’ He also attacked the health law, the only candidate on the stage to discuss the law. Former Sen. Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich both challenged Romney. The S.C. primary is on Saturday.

Congress’ Full 2012 Plate: The ‘Doc Fix,’ The Health Law And Automatic Cuts

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KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey talks with Jackie Judd about what a divided Congress will face when it returns to Washington this month and begins dealing with fixing how Medicare pays doctors. A conference committee has until the end of February to fix the so-called “Sustainable Growth Rate” or doctors face a big pay cut.

GOP Candidates Promise Bipartisan Cooperation, Hedge On Solutions For Entitlement Spending

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Last night’s Republican presidential debate in Washington D.C. was centered around national security and foreign policy. But the subject of the super committee’s failure to deal with entitlements came up. CNN moderator Wolf Blitzer asked the candidates how they would work to fix the growth of the federal budget. Courtesy: CNN.

Testy GOP Presidential Hopefuls Continue Health Reform Attack On Romney, Obama

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Health care took a prime role in the Republican presidential candidates’ debate in Las Vegas Tuesday. Former Sen. Rick Santorium led off with a strong criticism of former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney’s role in revamping the state’s health care system. Romney defended his position hard and noted that other Republicans, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who is also running for president, had previously endorsed an individual mandate. Also, Rep. Michele Bachmann pointed to the Obama Administration’s freeze of the CLASS Act as evidence that the law can be repealed.