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Senate Debate On Health Care Law Repeal Falls Along Party Lines

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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., introduced an amendment to an unrelated bill today that would repeal the health law. Senators from both sides took to the floor, with Republicans arguing that the country wants repeal and Democrats maintaining that the benefits of the law are popular and outweigh any flaws in the legislation. Watch excerpts from the debate.

Doctors Continued To Spend Big On Lobbying in 2010

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The AMA was the biggest spender for lobbying operations among health care groups last year as it faced a backlash from members angry that the new health law didn’t reverse planned cuts in Medicare reimbursements.

Chart: Lobbying On Health Care Issues Falls In 2010

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The passage of the federal health law last March brought an overall decrease in lobbying on health care from the massive effort during the heated congressional debate in 2009. Overall, 10 key health care players spent about $127 million on lobbying last year, down nearly 9 percent from 2009.

Analyzing Obama’s State Of The Union Speech: Health On The Hill

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During his State of the Union Address, President Obama pledged to work with Republicans to change some elements of the health care law, such repealing a provision that the president said placed “an unnecessary bookkeeping burden” on small businesses. But the president made it clear he would not accept any major changes to the law. In the GOP response, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., said his party would work to repeal the law and replace it with more “fiscally responsible, patient-centered reforms.”

Video: Partisan Arguments Resonate In Health Law Repeal Debate

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As the House of Representatives got closer to voting on the health law repeal, members took to the floor to denounce the arguments from the other side. We have excerpts from Reps. Mike Pence, R-Ind., George Miller, D-Calif., Steve Scalise, R-La., Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

Health On The Hill: House Passes Health Law Repeal

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Republicans in the House delivered on their election-year promise to pass a bill to repeal the health care overhaul law signed by President Obama less than a year ago. Now GOP House leaders are trying to apply political pressure on the Senate to bring the bill up for a vote. Marilyn Werber Serafini covered the House debate and spoke with Jackie Judd.

‘Multiple Fictions’ Drive Opposition To Health Law

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The health reform debate is not about a fictional war between market-based health insurance and government regulation. It is about whether to provide adequate subsidies to cover the uninsured and whether to begin a process of leveraging change in the delivery and payment systems through which one-sixth of the U.S. economy is devoted to health care.

Health Law Repeal Debate: 22 Freshmen Republicans In Under 4 Minutes

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Freshmen Voices: The large class of Republican freshmen swept into office in the November elections had their voices heard in the repeal debate. Republican leadership put a special emphasis on these new members of Congress. Here are excerpts of what some of the freshmen had to say about the law that so many passionately campaigned against.