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Health Law Rolls Back Abortion Rights, Groups Say

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Recent fights between anti-abortion groups could leave people with the impression that the new health overhaul law expands women’s access to abortion. But abortion-rights groups vehemently disagree. “There are extraordinary things in health care reform for women,” says Judy Lichtman, a senior adviser to the National Partnership for Women and Families, which supports abortion rights. […]

Health On The Hill – April 12, 2010

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Physicians face a 21 percent cut in their Medicare payments unless the Senate approves legislation this week to stop the scheduled reduction. Meanwhile, education efforts about elements of the health care overhaul package are continuing, with the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies and outside groups working to give the public more specifics about the measure.

Health On The Hill – April 12, 2010

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Physicians face a 21 percent cut in their Medicare payments unless the Senate approves legislation this week to stop the scheduled reduction. Meanwhile, education efforts about elements of the health care overhaul package are continuing, with the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies and outside groups working to give the public more specifics about the measure.

Can Massachusetts’ Experiment Tell Us What’s Next?

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Now that the year-long debate in Congress over health care legislation has come to a close, it’s reasonable to ask: What’s next? Some think that enactment will quickly lead to widespread and generally quiet acquiescence to the terms of the new law, even by those who were strongly against its passage by Congress. Perhaps. But […]

Health On The Hill – April 6, 2010

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Obama administration officials have begun the process of implementing health care overhaul legislation that the president signed into law last month.

Health On The Hill: The Reform Bill Is Signed, What’s Next?

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With a package of legislative changes to the health care bill on its way to President Obama, congressional Democrats have concluded work on their plan to overhaul the nation’s health care system. Republicans have said they will continue in their efforts to repeal the bill while Obama and Democrats are focused on the measure’s implementation.

Transcript: Health On The Hill – March 26, 2010

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With a package of legislative changes to the health care bill on its way to President Obama, congressional Democrats have concluded work on their plan to overhaul the nation’s health care system. Republicans have said they will continue in their efforts to repeal the bill while Obama and Democrats are focused on the measure’s implementation.

The Health Care Debate Has Just Begun

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Last night’s historic vote to pass comprehensive health care legislation means a lot of things, but it does not end the health care debate in America–not by a long shot.

Transcript: Health On The Hill – Day After House Passes Health Reform

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Late Sunday night, the House of Representatives made history by passing the Senate version of health care overhaul legislation. KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and The Fiscal Times’ Eric Pianin report on the scene during the vote on Capitol Hill, what’s next in the Senate and what health reform may mean for consumers.

It’s Over! Health Care is Passed. Will it Really Work?

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The realities of the health care legislation do not match the hyperbole from either side. Though proponents bill the legislation as the most significant changes in the nation’s health care system since the advent of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, the Obama era coverage reforms rely on existing government programs and private insurance, and its payment reforms are variations on themes tried before without much success.

Health On The Hill – March 22, 2010

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Late Sunday night, the House of Representatives made history by passing the Senate version of health care overhaul legislation. KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and The Fiscal Times’ Eric Pianin report on the scene during the vote on Capitol Hill, what’s next in the Senate and what health reform may mean for consumers.

Health Care Passage Hinged On Abortion Language

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The House of Representatives’ passage Sunday of a health care bill was secured after President Obama issued an executive order banning the use of public funds for abortions. The order helped secure the support of Rep. Bart Stupak and other anti-abortion Democrats. This story comes from our partner NPR News