
Latest KFF Health News Stories

ObamaCare, Abortion and the Reagan Democrats

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Roughly a dozen members of Congress have insisted they won’t vote for any measure that provides public subsidies for abortion beyond those allowed by the Hyde Amendment. This isn’t surprising. For decades Midwestern Democrats in Congress have generally been economic liberals and social conservatives.

The Changing Status Quo On Federal Abortion Funding

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Mr. Stupak and his allies have threatened to deny health insurance expansion to millions of Americans all because the legislation does not go far enough in restricting abortion rights. Even without getting his amendment into the final bill, however, he has made large gains in achieving his agenda.

House Rules Committee’s Analysis Of The Health Bill

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The House Rules Committee released this “section-by-section analysis” of the Democrats’ health bill, The Health Care & Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010.

Audio: Health On The Hill – Post-CBO Estimate on Reconciliation Package

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With a new preliminary Congressional Budget Office score released Thursday morning and language of the health care reconciliation package posted in the afternoon, House Democratic leaders continue their push to pass their health care overhaul legislation this weekend.

CBO Estimate: Reconciliation Act of 2010

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CBO released its estimate on the Reconciliation Act of 2010. Read Douglas Elmendorf’s letter and the estimate here.

Health On The Hill – March 8, 2010

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President Obama will visit Philadelphia and St. Louis this week to continue his push to have Congress pass health overhaul legislation this month.

Can Incremental Health Reform Provide A Path Forward?

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Incremental proposals would make health care reform more complicated – many of the pieces of the current reform bills are interrelated – but they can provide significant and sustainable changes in the right direction.