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Transcript: Health On The Hill – Passing A Health Bill Before Christmas?

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., continues to push his party to approve health care overhaul legislation before Christmas, but concerns over many issues, including abortion funding and a possible early buy-in for the Medicare program, could cause that timetable to slip.

Health On The Hill – December 14, 2009

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., continues to push his party to approve health care overhaul legislation before Christmas but concerns over many issues, including abortion funding and a possible early buy-in for the Medicare program, could cause that timetable to slip.

Dissecting The Claims On Both Sides Of Health Reform Ads

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Jackie Judd and Jordan Rau discuss the accuracies and inaccuracies of recent television ads on health care reform legislation. So far, over $165 million has been spent by groups trying to influence the debate.

Health On The Hill – December 7, 2009

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., continues his efforts to find consensus on a health care package that can win 60 votes. He has asked a group of party moderates and progressives to work on several issues, including creating an alternative to the “public option” health insurance plan Reid has in his bill.

Health Bill Would Affect Food, Drug Industries

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The Senate and House health care overhaul bills are each about 2,000 pages long. While the bills are mostly aimed at revamping the health insurance system, tucked in the pages are provisions that would spell big changes for the food, drug and medical device industries, too.

Health On The Hill – November 30, 2009

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Panelists discuss the array of amendments Democrats and Republicans are expected to offer as the Senate begins debate on health overhaul legislation.

Health On The Hill – November 23, 2009

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Over the weekend, the Senate voted 60 to 39 to begin debate on health reform legislation, which will begin after the Thanksgiving break. Panelists discuss what’s ahead.

CBO Releases Estimate On Senate Bill

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Read or download the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation’s estimates of the the Senate Democrats’ health bill, called “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”