
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Abortion Language Creates Snag For Health Bill

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Lawmakers thought they had crafted “abortion-neutral language,” essentially maintaining the status quo, but neither side of the debate is happy. And the issue is causing headaches for the Catholic Church, where opposition to abortion is running headlong into support for a health overhaul.

Transcript: Health On The Hill – November 2, 2009

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House Democrats are expected to begin floor debate this week on their health care overhaul plan and House Republicans are expected to unveil an alternative measure.

Health On The Hill

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House Democrats are expected to begin floor debate this week on their health care overhaul plan and House Republicans are expected to unveil an alternative measure.

Transcript: Health On The Hill – October 26, 2009

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KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Eric Pianin talk about new optimism among liberal Democrats that a public option will be included in the final health overhaul bill. They also discuss Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s determination to have a bill soon.

Health On The Hill

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KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Eric Pianin talk about new optimism among liberal Democrats that a public option will be included in the final health overhaul bill. They also discuss Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s determination to have a bill soon.

Baucus Doubts Public Option Can Get 60 Votes In Senate

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Although negotiators are considering various forms of a public option as they try to meld health overhaul bills approved by two Senate panels, Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., says it’s unlikely the Senate would approve major legislation this year that includes a pure form of the controversial government-operated insurance program.

Health On The Hill – Transcript

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KHN’s Eric Pianin and NPR’s Julie Rovner discuss recent and upcoming activities on the Hill — part of a weekly series of video reports.

Health On The Hill

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KHN’s Eric Pianin and NPR’s Julie Rovner discuss recent and upcoming activities on the Hill — part of a weekly series of video reports.

Health Care Overhaul Rests On Senator Harry Reid

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Majority Leader Harry Reid has been the Democrats’ top man in the Senate for nearly five years. But his leadership skills are soon to be tested as he presides over merging the two very different health care overhaul bills. The task has prompted remarks like, “Is he Harry Reid or Harry Houdini?”

Generic Drug Makers Say ‘No’ To Health Reform Tab

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Makers of generic drugs say it’s unfair to make them pay $460 million to help fund health care overhaul legislation. They warn consumer prices could rise if Congress approves the 10 years of increased Medicaid discounts included in the bill passed by the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday.

Proposed Tax Rattles Orthopedic Device Industry

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People are worried in towns like Warsaw, Ind., considered the “orthopedic device manufacturing capital” of the world. The industry is fighting the $4 billion-a-year tax included in the Senate Finance Committee bill to help pay for health reform.

Finance Committee Approves Health Reform Bill, Snowe Sides With Democrats

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With the support of a lone Republican, Olympia Snowe, the Senate Finance Committee approved a bill that would assure that most Americans would have access to health insurance, end discriminatory insurance industry practices and impose a tax on high-costhealth care plans. The bill will now be combined with the HELP Committee’s bill before a full Senate vote.

Health On The Hill

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KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Eric Pianin discuss the Senate Finance Committee’s approval of an $829 billion health care overhaul package.