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Health On The Hill – August 19, 2009

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Jackie Judd talks with KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Eric Pianin about the growing political pressure on President Obama and congressional Democrats to scale back the cost and scope of the health care overhaul legislation this fall.

Boehner Blasts PhRMA On Deal With White House

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The House Minority Leader suggested that the drug-industry pact with President Obama, whom he called a “bully” – will backfire on industry and consumers. The GOP has its own health bill, which Boehner announced on June 17.

Ad Audit: Club For Growth’s Anti-Government Message

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An anti-tax group goes after Democratic health reform proposals, alleging they would lead to rationing and crushing government deficits. But the campaign includes some dubious comparisons with the British health system, and the group’s recommended solutions are open to question.

Excerpts of President Obama’s Montana Town Hall Meeting

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At President Barack Obama’s town hall meeting in Belgrade, Montana, he was asked a number of questions about his push for health reform, including two pointed ones on paying for a health overhaul and on small business and insurance coverage.

’80s Tax Bill Has Lessons For Health Care Overhaul

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In negotiating health care legislation, lawmakers might want to look back to 1986. That was the year that a Democratic House and a Republican Senate worked together to pass a tax simplification bill. A full-court press by lobbyists is usually enough to stop a bill – but it wasn’t in 1986. This story comes from our partner NPR News.

Transcript: Health on the Hill

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Today’s Health on the Hill is mostly about health off the Hill. Jackie Judd talks with Politico’s Carrie Budoff Brown about the contentious town hall meetings and how the lawmakers are preparing themselves for questions. The White House has launched a Web site to try to correct false rumors and to push the President’s agenda on health reform.

Health On The Hill – August 10, 2009

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Today’s Health on the Hill is mostly about health off the Hill. Jackie Judd talks with Politico’s Carrie Budoff Brown about the contentious town hall meetings and how the lawmakers are preparing themselves for questions. The White House has launched a Web site to try to correct false rumors and to push the President’s agenda on health reform.

Transcript: Health On The Hill for Week of August 3

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Jackie Judd talks with Eric Pianin about the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s vote last Friday, wrapping up its work on major health care legislation, before Congress adjourns for the August recess.

Health On The Hill – August 3, 2009

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Jackie Judd talks with Eric Pianin about the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s vote last Friday, wrapping up its work on major health care legislation, before Congress adjourns for the August recess.

Dems and Republicans Head Home With Health Care Talking Points

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Democratic and Republican lawmakers will offer their constituents very different takes on pending health care legislation during the August recess. Democrats will say the bills will “hold insurance companies accountable” and guarantee lower costs and more choice, while the Republicans will warn against a government takeover that will undermine competition and drive up costs.

Obama’s Former Physician: Not This ‘Bogus Plan’

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Dr. David Scheiner wants to make a house call to one of the most famous houses in the world. For 22 years, he was President Obama’s doctor. Now, he would like to counsel his former patient and says the President should be doing more to heal the system’s ills by holding out for a single-payer approach to health reform.

“Free-Rider” Penalty For Employers Draws Ire From Advocates, Yawns From Business

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Unions and advocates for low-income workers are criticizing a possible Senate Finance Committee move to drop an employer mandate in favor of a “free-rider” penalty. The provision would require companies to pay for part of the subsidies for uninsured workers to buy health insurance on the proposed exchanges. Business lobbyists say it’s better than a straight mandate.

Health On The Hill – July 29, 2009

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Jackie Judd talks with Eric Pianin, reporting from Capitol Hill, on today’s significant developments. A stalemate between Blue Dogs and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman was broken, and in the Senate Finance Committee, a new CBO score was substantially less than what had been projected.