
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Baucus: New CBO Score ‘Good News’

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Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., said Wednesday that a preliminary Congressional Budget Office score of his panel’s draft health care overhaul package would cost under $900 billion over the next decade and provide health coverage to 95 percent of uninsured Americans.

Big Employers Could End Up Paying “Cadillac” Tax

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To raise money to help pay for a health overhaul, Sen. John Kerry is proposing taxing insurance companies on expensive “Cadillac” policies. A new group of opponents is emerging: employers who “self-insure.” They say they shouldn’t have to pay taxes on the benefits they give their workers.

Health On The Hill – July 28, 2009

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Mary Agnes Carey and Eric Pianin of Kaiser Health News provide an update on health overhaul negotiations on Capitol Hill.

Health on the Hill – July 27, 2009

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In today’s Health On The Hill, Jackie Judd talks to Kaiser Health News’ Mary Agnes Carey about what will be a crucial week for health care legislation.

Cost Squeeze Raises Concerns About Health Benefits Package

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As efforts continue to trim the cost of health reform, some lawmakers and patient groups are worried that the resulting insurance benefits will be less generous and affordable than they had hoped. Fiscal conservatives counter that Congress needs to be realistic about what the country can afford.

Bipartisan Health Bill Still Gets No Respect

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Two senators – Democrat Ron Wyden and Republican Bob Bennett say they have a health care solution, but are they too junior to get attention?

Poll Shows Growing Anxiety About Health Overhaul

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Public support for an overhaul the U.S. health care system has slipped somewhat, according to a new poll. But a majority of Americans still believe that “it is more important than ever to take on health care reform now.”

Blue Dog Ross’s Conundrum: Should He Battle Health Bill That Could Benefit His Depressed Town?

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Rep. Mike Ross grew up in tiny Prescott, Ark., and knows well the problems of many residents who can’t afford health care insurance and have trouble getting access to hospitals and doctors. Yet Ross, a leader of the Blue Dog Democrats, stands ready to try to block passage of a health care reform bill in the House that might help his constituents; he complains the bill doesn’t adequately contain costs or help rural areas enough.

Health on the Hill – July 20, 2009

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The House Energy and Commerce Committee continues its consideration of health care overhaul legislation this week while Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., is still developing his panel’s health care package. Meanwhile, President Obama is pressing lawmakers to keep the momentum going on health care and has scheduled several public appearances this week to discuss health care legislation.

Checking In With Fitzhugh Mullan

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Pediatrician Fitzhugh Mullan has been practicing public service medicine for more than 40 years. In a new essay in the journal Health Affairs, he calls on activists to resurrect “the fire of the Civil Rights movement” in their quest for universal health care.

Obama’s Remarks on Health Reform

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President Barack Obama delivered remarks from the White House on health reform. He urged Congress not to postpone passing health care legislation.