Latest KFF Health News Stories
Got Food Allergies? Add Milk To The Worries For Your Meal
A new study by Fair Health finds that milk registered the highest average number of services and treatments per patient of any food allergy in 2016.
Study Gives Mixed Reviews On Laws To Equalize Cancer Patients’ Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Most states have laws that require that cancer patients who get their treatment orally rather than by infusion in a doctor’s office not pay more out-of-pocket. A new study finds that the impact of those laws is mixed.
Más allá del estigma, estudio revela el estrés profundo de las personas transgénero
La comunidad transgénero sigue siendo relegada en el acceso a los servicios de atención médica y salud mental.
Beyond Stigma And Bias, Many Transgender People Struggle With Mental Health
New data show transgender people are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and to attempt suicide. Public hostility toward them, including efforts to ban them from public bathrooms and military service, is making things worse, researchers say.
Millennials Embrace Nursing Profession — Just In Time To Replace Baby Boomers
Nursing generally offers stable earnings and low unemployment, which likely sounds good to young adults who came of age during the Great Recession.
¿Las redes sociales dañan la mente de nuestros jóvenes? Tal vez no…
Nuevos estudios muestran que las redes sociales no impactan de manera negativa, sino por el contrario, muchas veces ayudan a encontrar apoyo y a elevar la autoestima.
Social Media Is Harming The Minds Of Our Youth, Right? Maybe Not.
The harmful effects of all those hours on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are well-documented. But lesser-known research shows that social media use may also provide mental health benefits.
Years After Silently Combating Sexual Trauma, Female Veterans Seek Help
Many women who served in the military decades ago were victims of sexual assaults but often felt compelled to keep quiet.
How Below-The-Radar Mergers Fuel Health Care Monopolies
Most acquisitions by hospitals of physician practices are too small to trigger antitrust attention, study says. But a buying spree of “onesies and twosies” doctor practices has driven competition down and prices up.
To Insure More Poor Children, It Helps If Parents Are On Medicaid
New research offers evidence that coverage expansion policies for adults have a positive spillover effect for kids.
Algunos pacientes con cáncer de tiroides pueden retrasar la cirugía
Alrededor de un tercio de los pacientes con un tumor de tiroides de crecimiento lento, llamado cáncer de tiroides papilar, son elegibles para retrasar el tratamiento, según un nuevo estudio.
Some Thyroid Cancer Patients Can Safely Delay Surgery
Study suggests that many small tumors are sleepy, not deadly.
Soul Purpose: Seniors With Strong Reasons To Live Often Live Stronger
New research bolsters evidence that older adults with a sense of purpose are less likely to see their health decline with age. The question is: How does one cultivate more meaning and motivation in life?
Too Few Patients Follow The Adage: You Better Shop Around
Three-quarters of participants in a newly released study said they did not know of resources for comparing health care costs, while half said that if a website were available to provide such information, they would use it.
Gun Sellers Join Forces To Curb Suicide-By-Firearm, Rampant In Rural Areas
New research suggests that efforts to address climbing rates of rural suicide must focus on safe access to firearms. State-based coalitions are attempting just that.
Lag In Brain Donation Hampers Understanding Of Dementia In Blacks
A long history of racism and cruel experimentation in health care are among the reasons African-American families oppose donating patients’ brains for study.
Taking A U-Turn On Benefits, Big Employers Vow To Continue Offering Health Insurance
Three years ago, only about a quarter of the nation’s large employers were very confident they would have a health plan in 10 years. That number has now risen to 65 percent.
Colon Cancer Rates Rising Among Younger White Adults — And Falling Among Blacks
Although deaths from colorectal cancer are declining, researchers find rates of the disease among white men and women younger than 55 have spiked since the mid-1990s.
Health Gap Widens Between Appalachia And Rest Of The U.S.
In the early 1990s, people in this economically depressed region lagged only slightly behind other parts of the country. Today, rates of infant mortality in Appalachia are significantly higher than elsewhere, and the difference in life expectancy has grown noticeably.
Jump-Starting Hard Conversations As The End Nears
An end-of life-planning website can encourage patients to tackle that difficult topic before they become too ill to communicate, according to a new study. But they may be more likely to make concrete plans with help from a doctor or social worker.