¿La fuente de la juventud en una píldora? Sí, si eres un ratón
Separar la realidad de la exageración en el campo que estudia la longevidad se ha vuelto más difícil que nunca, más ahora que prestigiosas instituciones incursionan en ese campo.
A ‘Fountain Of Youth’ Pill? Sure, If You’re A Mouse.
The race for the cure to aging sparks hope and hype among top scientists — plus billions of dollars in investment.
Task Force Outlines Strategy To Address California’s Shortfall Of Health Workers
A new report by a coalition of health, education and labor leaders concludes that the state must build a larger and more culturally diverse pool of medical, mental health and home care professionals to meet the needs of a growing population. The findings point to a big challenge for Gov. Gavin Newsom as he seeks to extend health insurance to many of California’s nearly 3 million uninsured residents.
Adultos mayores vulnerables logran volver a ser independientes
El programa para personas mayores vulnerables de bajos ingresos Community Aging in Place — Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) ayuda a los abuelos a vivir independientemente.
Frail Seniors Find Ways To Live Independently
A pilot program for frail low-income seniors provides much-needed help in dealing with “daily activities” and offers practical solutions.
Diez pasos para cambiar hábitos poco saludables después de los 60
¿Quién dijo que después de los 60 no podemos correr triatlones? ¿O hacer equilibrio sobre una sola pierna? ¿O escribir un libro?
Boot Camp After 60: 10 Steps To Turn Around Unhealthy Habits
Older men and women often struggle to find the motivation to embrace a healthy lifestyle. We talk to experts about how to make the changes and how to keep them.
Por qué los adultos mayores necesitan consumir más proteína
La cantidad de proteínas, y las formas de consumirla, son distintas en las personas mayores. Su carencia impacta fuerte en su masa muscular.
Why Older Adults Should Eat More Protein (And Not Overdo Protein Shakes)
Whether because of illness or inactivity, many seniors need to up their protein game to maintain strength and mobility.
When Needs Arise, These Older Women Have One Another’s Backs
Many women aging alone want to hold on to their independence. But, when illness or disability strikes, they often need assistance. A program in New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco offers numerous ways to help.
Assisted Living’s Breakneck Growth Leaves Safety Of Dementia Patients Behind
An analysis of inspection records in California, Florida and Texas shows significant numbers of violations related to assisted living residents with dementia.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
Polémica por decisión de cortar programa SilverSneakers para adultos mayores
La interrupción del programa de ejercicios es el resultado de una acción de UnitedHealthcare, la compañía de seguros de salud más grande de la nación.
Seniors Steamed Over Cuts To SilverSneakers Fitness Program
UnitedHealthcare has put the skids on offering SilverSneakers, the nation’s fitness program for seniors, as part of its benefit packages. A look at why and some alternatives.
Para los abuelos: nuevo Apple Watch monitorea caídas y el ritmo cardíaco
El nuevo dispositivo de Apple apunta a un grupo demógrafico distinto al de los fanáticos de la tecnología: los adultos mayores.
In Grandma’s Stocking: An Apple Watch To Monitor Falls, Track Heart Rhythms
The new-generation gadget is designed to alert and protect wearers from falls and heart problems, expanding Apple’s target audience beyond the usual, tech-savvy, early adopters to those with older tickers.
Feds Order More Weekend Inspections Of Nursing Homes To Catch Understaffing
Medicare instructs inspectors to look for staffing inadequacies in homes that report suspiciously low numbers of registered nurses and weekend workers.
Check Your Medical Records For Dangerous Errors
Medical records often contain incorrect information that can lead to inappropriate medical treatment. Patients need to review them on a regular basis and correct any errors that creep in.
Paradise Lost: Wildfire Chases Seniors From Retirement Havens To Field Hospitals
Having fled quickly — often without medications, wheelchairs or pets to comfort them — refugees from the Camp Fire manage as best they can in makeshift shelters miles from home. A virus is spreading, and medical attention is spotty.
Trumpeted New Medicare Advantage Benefits Will Be Hard For Seniors To Find
Federal officials are hailing the introduction of services such as transportation to medical appointments, home-delivered meals and installation of wheelchair ramps as a way to keep beneficiaries healthy and avoid costly hospitalizations. But not many plans are offering the services in 2019.