Does the Federal Health Information Privacy Law Protect President Trump?
The president’s doctors have used HIPAA — the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act — as a shield to avoid questions about the president’s COVID-19 diagnosis.
Refuge in the Storm? ACA’s Role as Safety Net Is Tested by COVID Recession
Relentlessly knocked around by politics and now headed again to the Supreme Court, the ACA is covering millions who have lost their jobs during the pandemic. But not everyone.
Lifetime Experiences Help Older Adults Build Resilience to Pandemic Trauma
These seniors use coping strategies to keep them socially active yet safe from the coronavirus.
Distrusting Trump, States Plan to Vet COVID Vaccines Themselves. Bad Idea, Say Experts.
California and at least five other states have said they may independently vet any vaccines. Experts warn that could needlessly confuse the public.
One School, Two Choices: A Study in Classroom vs. Distance Learning
Most students at one Marin County school attend in person, while a dozen study from home. Those on campus are constantly nagged to use hand sanitizer and submit to the thermometer. Home-schoolers yell to their parents for help, while the parents pray that Zoom doesn’t freeze.
Comienzan a popularizarse las pruebas de saliva para COVID, que son fáciles de usar
Ocho meses después del inicio de la pandemia, la prueba de saliva gana adeptos y decenas de miles de personas en todo el país se someten a estas pruebas diariamente.
Campus Dorm Resident Assistants Adjust to a New Role: COVID Cop
Students charged with keeping their peers in line on college campuses say they are dealing with hostility, unclear policies and health risks as they try to enforce policies to prevent COVID-19.
Analysis: ‘Don’t Be Afraid of COVID’? Not Buying It, Unless Businesses Do Job Right
COVID precautions may seem like overkill. But I won’t set foot in a store unless certain steps are taken.
Easier-to-Use Coronavirus Saliva Tests Start to Catch On
Regulators and scientists have been leery of introducing the tests, preferring to rely on tried-and-true methods, but evidence is mounting that the spit and swab tests may be more convenient and just as accurate.
5 cosas que debes saber sobre la vacuna para COVID. Primero: no será una “bala mágica”
Hay docenas de vacunas candidatas que se están probando, y 11 de ellas están en la etapa final de investigación, cuatro en los Estados Unidos.
5 Things to Know About a COVID Vaccine: It Won’t Be a ‘Magic Wand’
Approval of a vaccine will be an important step in defeating COVID-19. But it won’t immediately end the pandemic.
Inside the Flawed White House Testing Scheme That Did Not Protect Trump
President Trump relied heavily on testing as protection against COVID exposure, eschewing masks and social distancing.
El sistema de pruebas para COVID de la Casa Blanca no protegió al presidente
El diagnóstico de COVID-19 del presidente Donald Trump está generando nuevas preguntas sobre la estrategia de la Casa Blanca para realizar pruebas y contener la propagación del virus.
Usa una máscara. Como si fuera tan simple…
La forma más simple y fácil de combatir una nueva ola de infecciones es lograr que la mayoría de las personas usen máscaras la mayor parte del tiempo.
Wear a Mask. If Only It Were That Simple.
Health experts agree masks are the cheapest, best weapon against the coronavirus pandemic. But how should mask-wearing be enforced? Mandates? Fines? Polite requests? It’s hard to figure out what works as President Donald Trump’s behavior keeps the debate alive over whether they should be worn at all.
Trump’s COVID Program for Uninsured People: It Exists, but Falls Short
The help is real — but access to it isn’t easy.
Evictions Damage Public Health. The CDC Aims to Curb Them ― For Now.
A survey of 17 cities found more than 50,000 pandemic-related eviction filings. Housing advocates worry that increased housing instability will lead to more COVID-19 and other illnesses.
Thousands of Minks Dead as COVID Outbreak Escalates on Utah Farms
COVID-19 is killing minks. So far, it appears infections likely spread from people to minks, not from minks to people.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Election Preview: What’s Next for Health?
How will health issues affect voter choices? What will happen if President Donald Trump is reelected or the White House goes to Joe Biden? In this special election preview episode, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Joanne Kenen of Politico and Rebecca Adams of CQ Roll Call join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.
Cumplimos reglas con el cinturón de seguridad o el cigarillo. ¿Por qué no con las máscaras?
Treinta y cuatro estados y Washington, D.C., tienen algún tipo de mandato sobre el uso de máscara, pero muchos ciudadanos y agencias del orden los ignoran descaradamente.