Latest KFF Health News Stories
Hospitals, Inc., A Kaiser Health News Series
Hospitals play an enormous role in the health care system; they’re a crucial part of the public health safety net and an important community resource. But they are expensive. Hospital costs make up the largest portion of the health spending in this country.
Fear + Worry = Fewer Kids Getting Vaccinated
After years of steady progress, the percentage of 2 year olds in private health plans being immunized dropped last year, while it went up for Medicaid patients.
Studies Highlight High Medicare Costs For People In Nursing Homes
People who live in long-term care are much more likely to be sent to the hospital, sometimes unnecessarily, which can harm patients and drive up Medicare costs.
A Hole In The Safety Net: Texas Medicaid Cuts Threaten Services For Disabled
The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services’ baseline budget request eliminates financing for some disabled people who are waiting to receive services in private homes, group homes or other community settings.
Health Reform Facing Early Legal Tests
A number of interest groups, state officials and ordinary citizens are seeking to have the health care law struck down in federal court, and action is heating up this week.
Medical Loss Ratio Rule Should Encourage Health Care Fraud Fighting
While the federal government is investing heavily in anti-fraud efforts, private insurers should be given incentives to do the same.
States Cutting Medicaid Benefits As They Stagger Under Economic Downturn
The recession’s double whammy – less money and more need – is leaving states with reduced tax revenues and increasing numbers of people enrolling in the federal-state health care program for the poor.
New ‘Innovation’ Chief Comes From ‘Model’ Health Care System
Dr. Richard Gilfillan, the new acting director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, has quite a juggling act to perform.
The Census Bureau’s Annual Insurance Coverage Status Check
With this collection of resources, KHN provides a Census Bureau summary of key findings, the chapter on health insurance coverage and access the full report, “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009.”
Health Issues Prominent In Fla. Governor Race
When it comes to health care, the Florida governor’s race offers voters a clear choice. Republican Rick Scott and Democrat Alex Sink disagree on hot-button issues from abortion to Medicaid.
State Budget Crises Mount as Medicaid Rolls Soar
Florida and other states faced with soaring Medicaid rolls amid a stubborn recession are struggling to balance their budgets.
Social Security’s Disabled Adult Child Program: A Key Option Often Below The Radar
Have you ever been to the supermarket and spotted a balding man with Down syndrome pushing a shopping cart for his elderly mother? Have you ever wondered how he pays his medical bills or his rent? In truth, no single
Participation In Children’s Health Insurance Program Varies Widely Across Country
A new study found states have very different rates of enrollment for eligible kids – from a high of 95 percent in Massachusetts to a low of 55 percent in Nevada.
D.C. In Front Of The Health Reform Curve, Officials Say
District of Columbia city officials highlight early accomplishments in health insurance coverage expansions as reform implementation efforts pick up steam nationwide.
Health Law Changes Rules For Docs With In-House Imaging Machines
Doctors who refer Medicare and Medicaid patients to in-house imaging machines must disclose in writing that they own the equipment.
Baltimore Homeless Program Expects Boost From Medicaid Expansion
Many homeless people are uninsured and ineligible for Medicaid. But that will change beginning in 2014, when Medicaid greatly expands under the new health law.
New Law Offers Hope For Homeless Health Care
Many homeless people are uninsured and ineligible for Medicaid. But that will change beginning in 2014, when Medicaid greatly expands under the new health law.
Sebelius To Governors: Extra Medicaid Money Comes With A String Attached
HHS Secretary Sebelius this week sent a letter to all governors telling them that if they want to continue receiving the enhanced Medicaid funds that Congress approved last week, they have to ask for the money.
Texas Flap: Plan To Increase Medicaid Payments For Disabled Centers Angers Activists
Texas’ 13 state-supported living centers have been under intense monitoring since last year, when lawmakers agreed to a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department due to widespread abuse and neglect.
Medicaid Cutbacks Not The Same As Private Insurance Rescission
States don’t have the money to sustain Medicaid expansions during hard economic times, forcing them to make cuts. This is terrible. But to compare Medicaid cutbacks to private insurer rescission is grossly misleading.