Latest KFF Health News Stories
¿Seguiremos siendo relevantes cuando tengamos 64 años?
El nido vacío, el retiro, son factores de cambio que hacen que muchas personas ya no se sientan relevantes. Qué hacer para vivir los 60 a pleno.
Will We Still Be Relevant ‘When We’re 64’?
Older adults often feel invisible as their interactions with younger people dwindle and hardly anyone seems to seek their advice. To make matters worse, studies link loneliness to weaker immune systems and poorer physical health.
En Puerto Rico, sobrevivientes del huracán María enfrentan la soledad y la depresión
La tasa de suicidos aumentó dramáticamente en la isla desde que el huracán María impactó en septiembre pasado.
For The Babies Of The Opioid Crisis, The Best Care May Be Mom’s Recovery
Research is just beginning on infants born with neonatal abstinence syndrome, and doctors are optimistic that normal development is possible. Monitoring the families and making sure parents are treated for addiction is key.
Listless And Lonely In Puerto Rico, Some Older Storm Survivors Consider Suicide
More than six months ago, Hurricane Maria upended routines and shuttered services on the island leading to a sense of despair and isolation, especially among older people.
Use Of Psychiatric Drugs Soars In California Jails
A combination of factors has led to an “astronomical” increase in mentally ill inmates, followed by increased efforts to identify those who need prescriptions. Some say the meds are underprescribed; others, that they are given inappropriately, without the benefit of comprehensive treatment.
Alarming Suicide Rate Jolts Texas Community Into Action
Tyler, Texas, and the surrounding county has the highest suicide rate among the state’s 25 most populous counties, and community leaders are determined to change that.
Listen: Device Is Said To Ease Opioid Withdrawal, But Does The Evidence Support It?
A device called the Bridge is supposed to mitigate the misery of withdrawal sickness, but scientific evidence doesn’t yet show that it works.
Ayudan con arte a que los cuidadores familiares tengan un merecido recreo
Hay cerca de 42 millones de personas que cuidan a un familiar, adulto o niño, enfermo como un trabajo de tiempo completo. Programas de arte les ofrecen un respiro.
Family Caregivers Are Getting A Break — And Extra Coaching
Across the country, community groups, hospitals and government agencies are stepping in to support the estimated 42 million family caregivers.
Tax-Funded Mental Health Programs Not Always Easy To Find
Revenue from California’s Mental Health Services Act has funded billions of dollars in mental health programs across the state, but finding out what’s available — and to whom — could be a challenge for consumers.
Facebook Live: Confronting Opioid Addiction
About 2,000 Californians died of opioid overdoses in 2016, but access to medications that treat addiction is limited in some parts of the state.
California: legisladores buscan indemnizar a personas esterilizadas por el estado
Sistemáticamente, en California y en otros estados, se practicó la eugenesia, esterilizando principalmente a personas de minorías que eran consideradas “débiles mentales”.
California Lawmakers Seek Reparations For People Sterilized By The State
More than 20,000 Californians were sterilized at state homes and hospitals from 1909 to 1979, most of them women, people with disabilities and immigrants. Now, a state lawmaker wants to provide reparations to the roughly 800 living survivors, many of whom never consented to the procedures or did so under pressure.
Personas con discapacidades quieren tener voz en el debate sobre el control de armas
Muchas veces, las voces de los propios sobrevivientes de la violencia con armas no son escuchadas. Una encuesta en Texas revela qué piensan.
Texas Disability Groups Want A Voice At The Table In Gun Debate
A disability rights groups in Texas wants to make sure people who’ve been disabled by gun violence in Texas get a chance to talk to lawmakers.
In A Puerto Rican Mountain Town, Hope Ebbs And Health Suffers
More than six months after Hurricane Maria, daily life in Castañer, Puerto Rico, is nowhere close to normal as residents try to deal with the effects of trauma, chronic stress and the continued lack of electricity.
To Treat Pain, PTSD And Other Ills, Tennessee Vets Try Tai Chi
In hopes of reducing an over-reliance on pills for anxiety and pain, the Department of Veterans Affairs has taken a turn toward alternative medicine.
Psiquiatra se queda cerca de casa, fiel a su promesa de la infancia
La doctora Yamanda Edwards es la única psiquiatra en el Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital. Ella decidió ejercer en el vecindario en donde creció, que tiene una necesidad acuciante de servicios de salud mental.
Psychiatrist Stays Close To Home And True To Her Childhood Promise
Yamanda Edwards is the only psychiatrist at Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, caring for residents in South Los Angeles, a community with a shortage of mental health care.