Latest KFF Health News Stories
Faced With Unaffordable Drug Prices, Tens Of Millions Buy Medicine Outside U.S.
Eight percent of those polled by the Kaiser Family Foundation say they have purchased medications outside of the U.S. to save money.
In Colorado, A Low-Price Drug Cocktail Will Tamp Down Cost Of Death With Dignity
Advocates want alternatives to drugmaker’s pricey pills for those who choose to die in Colorado and elsewhere.
Los ganadores y los perdedores del 21st Century Cures Act
El 21st Century Cures Act que firmó el presidente Barack Obama el martes 13 de diciembre es un éxito legislativo para la industria farmacéutica. Qué podría pasar con los servicios de medicina preventiva.
Grab Bag Of Goodies In 21st Century Cures Act
A breakdown of winners — and a few losers — in the sprawling Cures Act approved by the House.
Enfermos… ¿y en bancarrota? Consumidores gastarán más en drogas en 2017
En 2017, muchos más planes de salud en los mercados de seguros requerirán que los consumidores paguen una sustancial parte del costo de los medicamentos más caros, dicen, para disuadir a pacientes muy enfermos de elegir sus planes.
Need Pricey Drugs From An Obamacare Plan? You’ll Shoulder More Of The Cost
A Kaiser Health News analysis finds that the portion of federal marketplace plans requiring people to pay a third or more of the cost of specialty drugs have jumped from 37 to 63 percent since 2014.
Tighter Prescribing Rules: An Anti-Abuse Strategy That Could Hurt Patients In Pain
Responding to a national epidemic, many state Medicaid programs are making the coverage rules for these opioid-based medicines tougher so that physicians will think twice before prescribing them. But some worry that legitimate pain patients could suffer.
A Frenzy Of Lobbying On 21st Century Cures
Three lobbyists for every member of Congress in a push to pass a bill that increases research funding and speeds up approvals.
Long-Stalled FDA Reform Sits On Senate’s Lame-Duck Calendar
The legislation would give federal officials more flexibility in evaluating the effectiveness and safety of drugs and devices and add billions of dollars to NIH funding. But critics say it could endanger patients’ safety and doesn’t do enough to stop spiraling drug prices.
After Colorado, ‘Right To Die’ Movement Eyes New Battlegrounds
Colorado’s approval of a ballot measure sets the stage for efforts in other states.
California’s Drug Price Initiative: Will Voters ‘Send A Signal To Washington’?
Despite heavy opposition from the pharmaceutical industry and skepticism from policy experts, many voters see Proposition 61 as a way to protest the nation’s mounting drug prices.
FDA’s Drug Approval Team Copes With 700 Unfilled Jobs As Industry Lures Staff
The FDA’s drug-approval team is short more than 700 people and losing skilled staff members to the drug industry.
Study: ‘Ubiquitous’ Nature Of Painkillers Lands Kids — Even Toddlers — In The ER
New research tracks how the widespread availability of these high-powered medications is causing a high rate of hospitalizations for opioid poisoning among children.
Drug Prices, Not The Health Law, Top Voters’ Health Priorities For 2017
Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents support making sure high-cost drugs for chronic conditions are affordable.
West Virginia Grapples With High Drug Costs
Climbing drug prices are taking a toll on West Virginia’s budget, some state legislators say. Expensive drugs fuel an increase in Medicaid spending, which leaves less money for schools and roads.
7 Insurers Alleged To Use Skimpy Drug Coverage To Discourage HIV Patients
The plans sought to discourage costly HIV patients by not including their drug needs in formularies or requiring high cost sharing, a Harvard Law School group says in a complaint filed with HHS.
Hospitals Say They’re Being Slammed By Drug Price Hikes
In a report out Tuesday, hospital groups said drug prices have skyrocketed since 2013, triggering a huge increase in what hospitals spend on pharmaceuticals.
Tracking Who Makes Money On A Brand-Name Drug
KHN’s Julie Appleby joined forces with USA Today to create this chart, which details the various industry players and how they contribute to a prescription drug’s cost.
Young Boy’s Struggle To Survive Sparked Push For Drugs For Terminally Ill
Ten-year-old Josh Hardy died last month. His struggle to survive helped to spur laws to get unapproved drugs to the terminally ill.
A Golden Ticket That Fast-Tracks A Drug Through The FDA
A voucher awarded to companies that find treatments for rare childhood diseases can be sold to the highest bidder — and then used to speed up approvals for much more common drugs.