Con la escuela virtual… ¿qué pasa con las vacunas obligatorias?
Las escuelas juegan un papel fundamental en los esfuerzos de vacunación en los Estados Unidos. Ahora el desafío es mantener la inmunización con la instrucción a distancia.
Behind The Byline: ‘At Least I Got the Shot’
Check out KHN’s video series — Behind the Byline: How the Story Got Made. Come along as journalists and producers offer an insider’s view of health care coverage that does not quit.
With Schools Starting Online, Vaccinations Head for Recess
Traditionally, requirements that kids undergo certain immunizations before attending school have been a critical public health tool. Health officials are scrambling to make sure children don’t fall through the cracks.
Altered Mindsets: Marijuana Is Making Its Mark on Ballots in Red States
Voters in Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota and several other conservative-leaning states will decide in November whether to legalize medical or recreational marijuana.
¿Puede este fin de semana de vacaciones disparar otra ola de casos de COVID?
El doctor Anthony Fauci advirtió el miércoles 2 de septiembre que los estadounidenses deben tener cuidado para evitar otro aumento en las tasas de infección.
Will Labor Day Weekend Bring Another Holiday COVID Surge?
Epidemiologists are having a hard time predicting whether Labor Day will be like the Fourth of July and Memorial Day, when celebrations fanned the flames in coronavirus hot spots around the South and West.
As Threat of Valley Fever Grows Beyond the Southwest, Push Is On for Vaccine
Efforts are underway to bring to market a vaccine for valley fever, a fungal infection with COVID-like symptoms that occurs in the deserts of the Southwest. The illness is getting more attention as cases rise and a warming climate threatens to spread it through the West.
In Legislative Shuffle, California Prioritizes Safety Gear and Sick Leave During Crisis
Lawmakers are calling on Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign bills that would address the challenges of the current COVID-19 crisis and help the state prepare for future pandemics.
Cities and States Look to Crack Down on ‘Less-Lethal’ Weapons Used by Police
Dozens of protesters were injured in recent protests, triggering efforts to limit or ban the use of rubber bullets and other projectiles.
LA County Authorities Cautious Despite Declining COVID Numbers
The county, a hotbed of coronavirus infection in California, has seen a steady reduction in positive test results, new cases, hospitalizations and deaths over the past few weeks. But officials are concerned about public behavior over the Labor Day holiday weekend and wary of relaxing strictures too soon.
Dozens of U.S. Hospitals Poised to Defy FDA’s Directive on COVID Plasma
The FDA, under pressure from the Trump administration, has authorized broader use of convalescent plasma for emergency treatment in COVID patients. But several major hospitals are resisting, saying they’ll opt instead to use the scarce resource to complete a clinical trial.
Watch: Florida Gutted Its Public Health System Ahead of Pandemic
KHN Midwest editor and correspondent Laura Ungar appeared on Spectrum News and Fox 35 Orlando to discuss cuts to Florida’s public health system that have hampered its response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Oficiales de salud temen que el país no esté listo para una vacuna contra COVID-19
El camino para entregar vacunas a 330 millones de personas sigue sin estar claro para los funcionarios de salud locales que, se espera, sean los que realicen el trabajo.
Health Officials Worry Nation’s Not Ready for COVID-19 Vaccine
As the nation awaits a vaccine to end the pandemic, local health departments say they lack the staff, money, tools ― and a unified plan ― to distribute, administer and track millions of vaccines, most of which will require two doses. Dozens of doctors, nurses and health officials interviewed by KHN and The Associated Press expressed their concern and frustration over federal shortcomings.
When the Pandemic Closes Your Gym, ‘Come for the Party, Stay for the Workout’
As gyms throughout New York City had to close because of the coronavirus pandemic, some trainers just moved outdoors to the parks.
Fauci Says COVID Vaccine Trials Could End Early If Results Are Overwhelming
The nation’s top infectious disease official is confident that an independent panel will base vaccine approval on science, not politics.
Turistas llevan dólares, y COVID, a las islas del Caribe estadounidense
La pandemia de COVID-19 ha enfrentado los intereses económicos con las guías de salud pública en dos islas cuyas economías dependen en gran parte del turismo.
Fauci dice que una vacuna contra COVID podría estar lista antes de lo esperado
El experto en enfermedades infecciosas de más alto rango en el país dice que esto podría ocurrir si los ensayos clínicos en curso producen resultados abrumadoramente positivos.
Tourists Tote Dollars — And COVID — To U.S. Caribbean Islands
Tension rises among residents and travelers as U.S. island territories work to stymie the coronavirus while attempting to keep their doors open to tourism.
Public Health Officials Are Our COVID Commanders. Treat Them With Respect.
This pandemic is like war, and California’s local health officers are leading the state’s response. Yet unlike war heroes, who are lionized, they are facing unprecedented attacks and death threats.