Latest KFF Health News Stories
Republican Lawmakers Shy Away From Changing Montana’s Constitutional Right to Abortion
Lawmakers in 14 states have passed near-total bans on abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. But in some conservative-led states where court rulings determined their constitutions protect abortion, including Montana, politicians haven’t asked voters to weigh in.
One State Looks to Get Kids in Crisis out of the ER — And Back Home
At many U.S. hospitals, children and teens are stuck in the emergency department for days or weeks because psychiatric beds are full. Massachusetts is trying a simple, promising solution.
Armed With Hashtags, These Activists Made Insulin Prices a Presidential Talking Point
Twitter has been a hotbed for the burgeoning insulin access movement and activism surrounding other medical conditions. For people with diabetes, the platform has helped propel concern about insulin prices into policy. Can it continue to win with hashtags?
In California, Democrats Propose $25 Minimum Wage for Health Workers
State Sen. María Elena Durazo and Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West want to give health facility support staffers a raise. Hospitals, nursing homes, and dialysis clinics are expected to resist.
California: proponen salario mínimo de $25 para trabajadores de salud
Si los legisladores aprueban el proyecto de ley y el gobernador Gavin Newsom lo firma, un líder sindical estimó que 1.5 millones de trabajadores de California podrían obtener un aumento salarial en enero de 2024.
It Takes a Village: Foster Program Is a New Model of Care for Indigenous Children
A foster care program on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota is attracting attention from officials elsewhere as they search for ways to reduce trauma inflicted on Indigenous families, who’ve faced generations of high rates of family separation.
When Medicare stops paying for a pricey drug that prolongs life, an Ohio man considers giving up treatment to spare his family enormous debt.
Doctors Are Disappearing From Emergency Rooms as Hospitals Look to Cut Costs
As a money-saving strategy, emergency rooms are turning to nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other staffers who earn far less than physicians.
Montana’s Tax-Exempt Hospitals Oppose Increased Oversight by State Officials
As Montana officials seek to make nonprofit hospitals prove the benefits they provide the community justify their tax exemptions, industry leaders propose their own changes — which state officials say would further limit the state’s authority.
Agencias de salud pública utilizan a locales para llegar a comunidades de inmigrantes
El enfoque de micro subvenciones bien podría ser el futuro de los mensajes de salud pública para poblaciones diversas, y una forma de combatir la erosión de la confianza que se produjo con la politización de la salud pública por la pandemia.
Public Health Agencies Turn to Locals to Extend Reach Into Immigrant Communities
Local health departments combat disparities by funding immigrant and minority community groups and letting them decide how best to spend the money.
Montana Considers Allowing Physician Assistants to Practice Independently
The bill, modeled on laws in North Dakota and Wyoming, is opposed by doctors who say it would let physician assistants practice outside the scope of their training.
Community Resurrects Colorado Birth Center Closed by Private Equity Firm
A private equity firm bought a birth center and then shut it down. The community brought it back as a nonprofit.
‘The Country Is Watching’: California Homeless Crisis Looms as Gov. Newsom Eyes Political Future
As Gov. Gavin Newsom enters his second term, his legacy as governor and path forward in the Democratic Party hinge on his making visible headway on California’s homeless crisis. We lay out the possibilities — and challenges — as he unleashes an $18 billion battle plan.
Congress Told HHS to Set Up a Health Data Network in 2006. The Agency Still Hasn’t.
Since 2006, federal officials have been charged with setting up a network to let various parts of the U.S. health system share information during emergencies. It still hasn’t been built or even planned, even after the communication and data-sharing failures put on display during the pandemic.
Centene Agrees to $215 Million Settlement With California for Alleged Medicaid Overbilling
The nation’s largest Medicaid insurer denies wrongdoing after the California attorney general’s office investigated it for inflating prescription drug costs.
More Young Colorado Children Are Consuming Marijuana Despite Efforts to Stop Them
Lawmakers say they don’t plan to revise state regulations on the sale of edibles despite more kids 5 and under ingesting them.
The Pill Club Reaches $18.3 Million Medicaid Fraud Settlement With California
The online women’s pharmacy agreed to pay $15 million to the state Department of Justice and $3.3 million to the Department of Insurance over claims it overbilled Medi-Cal.
Un arma secreta para prevenir la próxima pandemia: los murciélagos frugívoros
En Montana, investigarán cómo los murciélagos de la fruta, albergan virus que, bajo determinadas condiciones del medio ambiente, pueden pasar a los seres humanos.
A Secret Weapon in Preventing the Next Pandemic: Fruit Bats
New research links habitat destruction with the spillover of viruses from animals to humans.