9.5 Million Sign Up For Insurance Through Health Law Marketplaces
Of those, 7.1 million have signed up through healthcare.gov, and more than 58 percent of people who are signing up are doing so for the second time.
The New York Times:
Health Care Enrollment Appears To Be Near Goal
The Obama administration said Tuesday that 9.5 million people had signed up to receive health coverage through public marketplaces in 2015, with less than a month to go before the enrollment deadline. At first glance, the report suggests that the administration has achieved its goal of having 9.1 million people enrolled at the end of this year. But in 2014, more than 15 percent of people who selected health plans in the public marketplaces failed to pay their share of premiums and were therefore not on the rolls at the end of the year. Officials said they thought that similar attrition could occur this year. (Pear, 1/27)
The Associated Press:
Obama Administration On Track To Surpass Health Care Goal
Some 9.5 million people have already signed up for 2015 coverage under President Barack Obama's health care law, and the administration is on track to surpass its nationwide enrollment target set last year. The Health and Human Services Department said Tuesday that, through the middle of January, more than 7.1 million people had signed up in 37 states where the federal government is running the insurance markets. At least another 2.4 million signed up in states running their own exchanges. (Alonso-Zaldivar, 1/27)
NBC News:
More Than 9 Million Choose Obamacare in Latest Round
More than 9.5 million people have signed up for health insurance on the Obamacare online marketplaces, the federal government said Tuesday. (Fox, 1/27)
National Marketplace Health Insurance Enrollment Hits 9.5 Million
More than 9.5 million people have either selected a health plan or re-enrolled in coverage on the nation’s health insurance marketplaces as of January 16, the Obama administration reported Tuesday. (Pugh, 1/27)
USA Today:
Florida Tops Obamacare Sign-Ups; Texas Lags
State and federal health care exchanges have enrolled more than 9.5 million people, according to data out Tuesday, meeting their target a full month before the enrollment period closes. Success has varied widely across the country, according to a USA TODAY analysis of new ZIP code-level healthcare.gov data. The data show that aggressive outreach in South Florida helped that state account for nearly a seventh of all people who have selected plans on the exchanges. In the areas of Texas with the largest share of uninsured adults, insurance enrollments have lagged. Within the 35 Texas ZIP codes where at least a quarter of adult residents are estimated to be uninsured, total enrollments are up just 8.9 percent from last year, while the five Florida ZIP codes with similar populations are up 23 percent, the analysis shows. (Hoyer and O'Donnell, 1/27)
Georgia Health News:
Latest Snapshot Of Georgia Health Exchange Enrollees
First-time enrollees, Medicaid-eligible individuals, and an influx of young people. That’s part of the picture that emerges from the data that federal officials released Tuesday about the more than 425,000 Georgians who have signed up for coverage in the health insurance exchange. (Miller, 1/27)