A Few Missed Doses Of Testosterone End In Happy Accident For Transgender Man
Trans men have conceived on purpose, but Tanner isn’t one of them. He didn’t suspect he was pregnant until the morning sickness hit. It was a shock, but he and his partner said that from the start, there was no doubt that they wanted the baby.
The New York Times:
A Family In Transition
Paetyn, an impish 1-year-old, has two fathers. One of them gave birth to her. As traditional notions of gender shift and blur, parents and children like these are redefining the concept of family. Paetyn’s father Tanner, 25, is a trans man: He was born female but began transitioning to male in his teens, and takes the male hormone testosterone. "I was born a man in a female body,” he said. (Grady, 6/16)
In other news —
Modern Healthcare:
Growing Recognition Of Gray Areas In Gender Identity Leads To Changes In EHRs
A new field is beginning to pop up on patient registration forms: preferred pronouns. The healthcare industry, notoriously slow to change culturally and technologically, is beginning to speed up in both areas when it comes to gender identity. To do that, electronic health record vendors and health systems alike are pushing to include gender identity alongside other patient information. As with any piece of data in an EHR, the question is where to put it, which options to include, and what to do with the information once it's there. (Arndt, 6/16)