Agent Orange A Poison Seeping Into Family Trees, Vets Worry
Veterans believe the toxin is not only hurting their health, but that of their children and grandchildren as well.
Agent Orange Curse Hangs Over Families Of Virginia Veterans
There’s no absolute proof it did. But statistics have long shown that a higher-than-normal percentage of Vietnam veterans like Eddie have particular health problems. Now, a year-long investigation by ProPublica and The Pilot reveals new evidence suggesting their offspring might, too. The investigation examined data from the Department of Veterans Affairs that has never before been analyzed. (Kimberlin, 12/16)
A Public Official’s Private Pain
VVA has organized some 250 town halls like the one Kochmar attended as part of a project called Faces of Agent Orange. The stories voiced in Seattle were typical of those shared at meetings coast to coast. And they echoed thousands of stories shared with ProPublica and The Virginian-Pilot over the past 18 months as we have investigated the possible generational effects of Agent Orange, some four decades after the war’s end. (Ornstein, 12/16)