AMA Takes A Strong Stand Against The House Health Plan
The physician organization maintained its opposition to the measure in a letter sent to Capitol Hill Wednesday, noting its continued concerns about the millions of people who would lose coverage if it becomes law. Meanwhile, Molina Healthcare's chief executive is one of the few voices from the insurance industry protesting the Republican's overhaul. Another industry -- the tanning business -- has high hopes for the legislation.
Modern Healthcare:
AMA Urges Congress To Vote No On Amended ACA Repeal Bill
The American Medical Association called on Congress to vote down the American Health Care Act despite Republican's last-minute amendments to the bill, claiming millions will lose coverage if it becomes law. The trade group said in a letter to Congress Wednesday that it is still concerned about the law's plan to roll back Medicaid expansion. AMA said the bill's proposed tax credits are less generous than the Affordable Care Act's cost-sharing subsides for low-income individuals. (Dickson, 3/22)
The New York Times:
As Rivals Stand Silent, One Health Insurer Protests G.O.P. Plan
In recent weeks, Dr. J. Mario Molina has anxiously approached lawmakers on Capitol Hill and governors across the country, warning them that the Republican efforts to overhaul the health care system could be devastating for insurers and patients alike. As head of the California company founded by his father, Dr. Molina has become one of the few insurance executives publicly criticizing the House bill, which he believes could strip away coverage for millions of their clients and cause considerable turmoil for the insurance industry. The major insurers have mostly stayed silent during the debate, supporting some of the Republicans’ provisions that promise near-term stability for the insurance exchanges and a repeal of a tax on health insurance. (Abelson, 3/22)
The Associated Press:
A Winner In GOP Plans To Repeal Obamacare: Tanning Salons
As Republicans try to shore up support for their health care overhaul, one group can't wait for the replacement: owners of tanning salons. (Kennedy, 3/23)