Cigna Confirms That Deal With Express Scripts Will Undergo Review By Justice Department
The Justice Department’s antitrust chief, Makan Delrahim, has taken a tough stand against similar types of deals in the past.
Cigna-Express Scripts Deal To Face Justice Department Review
Cigna Corp. confirmed that its proposed $54 billion acquisition of Express Scripts Holding Co. will be reviewed by the U.S. Department of Justice, which has raised the bar for approving deals that don’t combine direct competitors. The health insurer has been telling investors since at least early April about the review, but hadn’t made a public statement until late Wednesday. Analysts at Credit Suisse sent an alert to clients on April 5, saying Cigna Chief Executive Officer David Cordani told investors during an event in Europe that the deal would be looked at by the Justice Department. (Tracer and McLaughlin, 4/18)
And a look at where the new head of AHIP wants to take the organization —
Politico Pulse Check:
Meet America’s Next Top Insurance Lobbyist
The incoming leader of America’s Health Insurance Plans discusses how he’ll set the agenda, whether AHIP has lost influence and what the Trump administration is doing to the nation’s insurance markets. (4/17)