The Next Legal Blockbuster: Health Benefits And Same-Sex Partners
Lawsuits focus questions on whether same-sex spouses should be eligible for health insurance and other benefits.
The New York Times: Suit Cites States' Rights On Behalf Of Gay Rights
The day after the Supreme Court announced its decision upholding President Obama’s health care law, the next constitutional blockbuster arrived at the court. ... The question, again, is whether a federal law — this time the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA — passes constitutional muster. The law says the federal government must deny benefits to gay couples who are married in states that allow such unions. The law excludes same-sex spouses from benefits like Social Security payments, health insurance and burial services (Liptak, 7/9).
Arizona Republic: Gov. Jan Brewer Asks Supreme Court To Hear Benefits' Case
Gov. Jan Brewer has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow Arizona to eliminate health-care benefits for state employees' same-sex partners. A lower-court ruling declared a state law cutting the service unconstitutional. The Arizona attorney general on July 2 filed a petition for a writ of certiorari, which is essentially an appeal to the high court to hear the case (Sanchez and Woodfill, 7/9).