Analysis Finds Obamacare Opponents Outspent Supporters On Ads By 5-1
The study of television ads finds that critics have spent at least $385 million since the law was enacted in March 2010. Meanwhile, supporters are looking for innovative ways to attract young healthy people to join plans offered on the online marketplaces.
USA Today: Health Care Law Opponents Dominate Advertising Wars
Opponents of the 2010 health care law have out-spent supporters by nearly 5-1 on the airwaves — as conservatives seek to cast doubts about its effects and pledge to keep it at the forefront of federal, state and local races, an analysis shows. Critics of the Affordable Care Act spent at least $385 million from March 2010, when Congress enacted the sweeping health care measure, through the end of last month, according to an analysis of TV advertising nationwide by Kantar Media. The biggest spender among opponents: Crossroads GPS, a political advocacy group affiliated with Republican strategist Karl Rove (Schouten, 7/10).
The Washington Post: Q: What Do Porta-Potties, Coffee Cups And Airplanes Have In Common? A: Obamacare.
In Connecticut, selling Obamacare involves renting an airplane. Oregon might try to reel in hipsters with branded coffee cups for their lattes. And in neighboring Washington, the effort could get quite intimate: The state is interested in sponsoring portable toilets at concerts in an effort to reach uninsured young adults. The advertisements, developed with political consultants and communications firms, illustrate the ability of the health-care law’s supporters to pinpoint the precise group they want to sign up for Obamacare — young and healthy Americans who won’t weigh down the system with high medical bills (Kliff, 7/10).
MPR News: Persuading Young Adults To Buy Into Health Care Takes New Tack
Robert Bauer is young, lean and healthy -- just the kind of person the government wants to buy into its new health insurance exchanges. Bauer though, doesn't see the need. The 24-year-old works in organic farm fields three days a week, and prides himself on eating well. He's uninsured now and doesn't plan to buy coverage this fall in the exchanges. ... The question is whether young people, starting in October, sign up or just pay the penalty, which in the first year isn't much, the greater of $95 or 1 percent of income in 2014 (Stawicki, 7/10).