For Some Republicans, Support For Medicaid Expansion Draws New Adversaries
The Los Angeles Times examines the political backlash in Ohio to GOP lawmakers who supported the Medicaid expansion. Meanwhile, CQ HealthBeat reports on efforts to phase-in the electronic data system that will send states information about people who appear to be eligible for Medicaid who have tried to sign up for coverage through
Los Angeles Times: GOP Lawmakers In Ohio Under Fire For Supporting Medicaid Expansion
State Rep. Barbara Sears is the kind of Republican the party would want to highlight these days: a woman and former business owner, fluent in health insurance issues. … But this year, the popular legislator with a strong conservative voting record has found her photo on door hangers throughout her district, pictured as the conductor of the Obamacare train to disaster. … The reason: Sears has championed a key element of Obamacare. Her support for the expansion of Medicaid to cover more of the state's poor is also backed by Ohio's Republican Gov. John Kasich and nearly three-quarters of Ohioans, according to an AARP poll (Reston, 11/6).
CQ HealthBeat: State Officials Get Update On Electronic Transfer Of Medicaid Application Data
Federal officials are preparing to phase in, state by state, a function that will electronically send states information about people who have tried to sign up for health coverage through and appear to qualify for Medicaid (Adams, 11/6).