Oregon Medicaid Audit Finds Need To Step Up Efforts To Detect Improper Payouts
The audit, which was released Wednesday by the Oregon Secretary of State's office, concluded that the program had missed opportunities to recover millions of dollars in overpayments.
The Oregonian:
Auditors Pin Medicaid Mess On Oregon Bungling
Oregon's Medicaid program has missed opportunities to prevent or recover millions of dollars in overpayments, according to an audit released by the Secretary of State's office Wednesday morning. Auditors looked into how the Oregon Health Authority could avert, detect and recover improper payments of state and federal funds in the low-income health insurance plan. Problems they were looking for include paying for care that wasn't medically necessary, duplicate payments and covering patients who had other insurance. Auditors also examined what the health department did to catch such problems. (Borrud, 11/29)
Eugene (Ore.) Register Guard:
Audit: OHA Should Bolster Its Efforts To Detect Improper Medicaid Payments
The Oregon Health Authority should improve its efforts to detect and stop improper payouts for Medicaid recipients, an audit released Wednesday by the Secretary of State’s Office said. OHA lacks “well-defined, consistent and agency-wide processes” to verify that claims submitted by providers for health care services to low-income Oregonians are accurate, the much-anticipated audit said. (Hubbard, 11/30)