Politically Volatile Medicare Proposal In GOP ‘Replace’ Plan Could Scare Trump Away
Some question whether Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will fully support the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act because of some of its extremely unpopular proposals. Meanwhile, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget releases a report on how both Trump and Hillary Clinton's plans will need to address Medicare to control the federal debt.
Modern Healthcare:
Will Trump Embrace Controversial House GOP Health Proposals?
After promising for six years to offer a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, House Republican leaders last week presented a white paper that House Speaker Paul Ryan called “a real plan, in black and white” to “make healthcare actually affordable.” (Meyer, 6/25)
CNN Money:
Fiscal Showdown: Clinton Vs. Trump On Spending, Taxes And Debt
Neither Trump nor Clinton has proposed a plan to deal with the debt, nor have they talked much about spending on big entitlements, such as Medicare, which are key drivers of that burgeoning debt. (Sahadi, 6/26)