Obama Faces Tough Talk About The Health Law From GOP Governors, Lawmakers
On Thursday, President Obama met with a newly elected governors -- many from the GOP -- to defend his health overhaul plan. It wasn't a completely friendly meeting. Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, a Republican lawmaker stated his intent to work tirelessly for repeal.
The Associated Press: Obama Faces Newly Elected Governors
President Barack Obama firmly defended his signature health care bill to a roomful of newly elected governors Thursday, many of them Republicans elected by railing against him and the expanding reach of the federal government (Werner, 12/2).
Journal Sentinel: Walker Willing To Use 'Free-Market' Approach For Health Care Law
As Governor-elect Scott Walker met with President Barack Obama on Thursday, he signaled he would be willing to implement some aspects of the controversial federal health care reform law in Wisconsin by using a "free-market" approach (Stein and Gilbert, 12/2).
McClatchy: In Governor's Meeting, Haley Asks Obama To Scrap Health Law
South Carolina Republican Gov.-elect Nikki Haley challenged President Barack Obama over his landmark health care overhaul Thursday in a candid, personal exchange in front of Cabinet members and newly elected governors from across the country (Rosen, 12/2).
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: GOP Legislators Want Veto Power Over Congress
Anti-Washington fervor played a major role in Republican success at the ballot box this year, especially in Georgia, and it hasn't peaked yet... Earlier this week, Republican legislators gathered in Washington to announce support for what they call the Repeal Amendment. If they succeed in making it part of the Constitution, any federal law or regulation could be repealed by legislatures in two-thirds of the 50 states (Jay Booker, 12/3).
Politico: Joe Barton: I'll Work To Repeal ObamaCare
Rep. Joe Barton wants House Republicans to work overtime - including weekends - next year to roll back the Obama administration's health care and environmental policies (Bravender, 12/2).