Republicans Advance Bill To Repeal Obamacare Under Expedited Procedure
By using the budgetary tool of reconciliation to target the health law's taxes and insurance mandate, Congress seeks to fast track the legislation to President Barack Obama's desk -- for an expected veto.
GOP Full Throttle On Obamacare Repeal
Congressional Republicans have agreed on a plan to use a fast-track budget procedure to send an Obamacare repeal to the president’s desk, a largely symbolic move – given an expected veto – but one conservatives have been pushing for since the GOP took control of Congress. House Republican leaders are planning to put the bill – which is being crafted in three committees this week – up for a vote as early as next month, according to House aides. After it is approved, Senate leaders are expected to put the legislation on the floor in the upper chamber. (Haberkorn and Kim, 9/29)
The Associated Press:
House Republicans Advance Bill To Undo Health Law
House Republicans advanced legislation Tuesday to dismantle President Barack Obama's health law that could actually reach the president's desk. The House GOP has voted more than 50 times to repeal all or parts of the health law. Almost all the bills died in the Senate. (9/29)
CQ HealthBeat:
Ways And Means Panel Advances Reconciliation Recommendations
The first of three House committees advanced its recommendations Tuesday for a legislative package that would employ the expedited budget reconciliation process to scrap a handful of mandates and taxes in the 2010 health care law. (Attias, 9/29)