New Abortion Restrictions Continue Torrid Pace With Texas Law At Center
Between 2011 and 2013, more than 200 abortion restrictions were passed in states, NPR reports. At the center of recent controversy is a Texas law that would require doctors giving abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.
NPR: 22 States Curb Access To Abortion In 2013
While much national attention was focused on efforts to restrict abortion in Texas, a new study from the Guttmacher Institute reports that as many as 22 states enacted 70 provisions aimed at curbing access to abortion. That makes 2013 second only to 2011 in the number of abortion restrictions enacted in a single year, according to the think tank for reproductive rights. To put the recent trend in some perspective: The 205 abortion restrictions enacted between 2011 and 2013 were more than the 189 enacted during the entire previous decade (Rovner, 1/4).
The New York Times: Access to Abortion Falling As States Pass Restrictions
A three-year surge in anti-abortion measures in more than half the states has altered the landscape for abortion access, with supporters and opponents agreeing that the new restrictions are shutting some clinics, threatening others and making it far more difficult in many regions to obtain the procedure. Advocates for both sides are preparing for new political campaigns and court battles ... On Monday, in a clash that is likely to reach the Supreme Court, a federal appeals court in New Orleans will hear arguments on a Texas requirement that abortion doctors have admitting privileges at local hospitals -- a measure that caused one-third of the state’s abortion clinics to close, at least temporarily (Eckholm, 1/3).
Bloomberg: Texas Seeks To Revive Abortion Law As Clinics Cut Service
Texas officials are seeking to revive a state requirement that abortion doctors ... affiliate with local hospitals by overturning a federal judge's finding that the measure isn't medically necessary and places an unconstitutional burden on women seeking to end pregnancies (Fisk and Lawton, 1/6).