Swing-Vote Kennedy’s Past Approval Of Contraception Workaround May Signal Outcome Of Wednesday’s Case
The administration might have an advantage in front of the Supreme Court in its defense of the contraception mandate for not-for-profit groups, but it also faces questions about whether it has shown a compelling interest in making sure all women get contraception coverage.
Modern Healthcare:
White House May Have Advantage In Upcoming ACA Contraception Case
Experts say the White House may have some advantages going into a U.S. Supreme Court case centering on questions of religious freedom and the Affordable Care Act's requirement that employers provide birth control coverage to employees. But the government will also face questions about whether it truly has shown a compelling interest in making sure all women get contraception coverage. The justices are taking up the issue on Wednesday. (Schencker, 3/21)
Fox News:
ObamaCare Returns To Supreme Court, As Religious Charities Fight Contraception Mandate
President Obama’s signature health care law once again is coming before the Supreme Court, this time in a case involving nuns who say the law’s contraception mandate violates their religious freedom rights. (Mears, 3/22)