Today’s Editorials and Opinions
Reform Madness The Daily ShowSo the debate has seems to have boiled down to one side screaming so loud and so angrily that they've drown out the other side's incoherence (Stewart, 8/11).
Health Debate Isn't About Health The Wall Street Journal
The health debate, which now has moved beyond the Beltway and into raucous town halls across the land, is so intense in part because it's not really about health care at all. On a deeper level, it's about the role of government in America's economy (Seib, 8/11).
Debunking Medicare Myths The Palm Beach (Fla.) Post
What should be a national debate on health care reform has devolved into a national shouting match, much of it over reform myths, not realities. In Florida especially, the debate needs to focus on realities.That's because Florida has the highest percentage of residents on Medicare (8/11).
The Truth About Health Insurance The Wall Street Journal
But if insurers are forced to sell coverage to everyone at any time, many people will buy insurance only when they need medical care. This raises the cost of insurance for everyone else, in particular those who are responsible enough to buy insurance before they need it; they end up paying even higher premiums (8/12).
Democrats Are Blazing Path Of Destructive Health Care Reform The Examiner
A lot of us can agree that the present way of doing things has serious flaws and that steps must be taken to fix it, but it worries some that the Democrats are figuring on passing an expensive, sweeping, ill-considered, politically manipulated, reckless blunderbuss of a bill that will inevitably have unintended consequences and could do serious harm to millions of people (Ambrose, 8/12).
The Whole Foods Alternative To Obamacare The Wall Street Journal
At Whole Foods we allow our team members to vote on what benefits they most want the company to fund. Our Canadian and British employees express their benefit preferences very clearly-they want supplemental health-care dollars that they can control and spend themselves without permission from their governments (Mackey, 8/12).
End-Of-Life Planning Is No Conspiracy The Boston Globe
Fare from a left-wing conspiracy to deprive you of desirable care near the end of life, advance care planning - talking with one's physician about goals and preferences for medical care in the event of incapacity - is the best way to ensure that your wishes are respected if you lose the capacity to speak for yourself (Gillick, 8/12). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.