Jordan Rau

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Analysis: Can What Killed California Health Reform Strike Again?

KFF Health News Original

In 2007, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed covering the state’s uninsured with a plan similar to the one Congress is now considering. By January 2008, his plan was killed by a state Senate committee. While Obama’s prospects remain stronger than Schwarzenegger’s ever were, the current effort is hitting roadblocks reminiscent of the California experience.

New Kind of Film Noir: Health Care

KFF Health News Original

While lawmakers are targeting rising costs and growing numbers of uninsured, a new crop of health care-focused documentaries offer a darker, more conspiratorial view: Powerful vested interests lusting for profits are responsible for the country’s medical malaise.

Labor Leaders Wary As Democratic Allies Weigh Health Reform Proposals

KFF Health News Original

Labor leaders are worried as congressional Democrats weigh various health care overhaul proposals. Unions oppose taxation of employee benefits and want a strong public insurance plan to compete with private insurers, but some Democrats say they’re open to compromises on both issues to attract Republicans and fiscal conservatives in their own party. Unions have pledged to spend $80 million in their campaign to influence legislation.