Nearly 9 Million People Gained Insurance In Health Marketplace’s First Year
The Census Bureau reports that the uninsured rate fell from 13.3 percent of the population to 10.4 percent. Still 33 million people had no insurance.
Planned Parenthood Isn’t The Only Health Program At Risk Of Losing Funds
Congress faces budgetary decisions, worrying advocates for medical research, teen pregnancy prevention and other federal initiatives.
‘Defunding’ Planned Parenthood Is Easier Promised Than Done
Republican candidates on the campaign trail say they have defunded Planned Parenthood in their states already. But a lot depends on how they define “defund.”
Fetal Tissue Attack Is Latest Tactic In Long GOP Fight Against Planned Parenthood
Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood date back to 1982, while fetal tissue research had bipartisan support until the release of secret camera videos.
HHS Pushes States To Negotiate Lower Obamacare Rates CEO Kevin Counihan is urging state insurance commissioners to look carefully at proposed rate hikes for insurance premiums in 2016.
Birth Control Coverage Saves Women Significant Money
The health law requires insurers to cover most prescription contraceptives with no additional out-of-pocket costs, which may spur some women to use more effective methods.
Is The Uninsured Rate The Lowest Ever?
President Obama touts the health law’s success in driving the uninsured rate “to its lowest level ever.” But it’s hard to prove that.
Obama, Championing The Health Law, Says It Shows The Country ‘We Want To Be’
As he awaits a decision from the Supreme Court on federal subsidies to help cover the cost of premiums in three dozen states, the president points to the millions who have gained insurance and decries efforts by political opponents.
What’s At Stake When The Supreme Court Rules On Health Plan Subsidies
A decision in King v. Burwell is expected by the end of the month.
A Top Medical School Revamps Requirements To Lure English Majors
At Mount Sinai Medical School in New York City, many of the medical students majored in things like English or history, and they never took the MCAT. The institution sees that diversity as one of its biggest strengths.
More Evidence That Health Plans Stint On Mandated Birth Control Coverage
Researchers with the National Women’s Law Center find insurers around the country are failing to provide contraception and other care without copays.
Medical Schools Try To Reboot For 21st Century
The American Medical Association is funding experiments at universities around the country to try to change how we train physicians.
Even In Female Dominated Nursing, Men Earn More
Nurses who are men make nearly $7,700 a year more than female nurses in outpatient settings and nearly $3,900 more annually in hospitals, a study finds.
HHS: Health Law Has Helped Insure 16.4 Million
The percentage of people without health insurance has dropped about a third since 2012, to 13.2 percent, according to federal officials.
Health Law Arguments Offer Few Clues About Supreme Court Decision
After hearing arguments Wednesday from both sides of a case challenging the health law’s subsidies to help people buy health coverage on federal exchanges, Supreme Court justices offered little insight into how they will rule.
5 Things To Know About The Supreme Court Case Challenging The Health Law
Millions of Americans might not be able to afford insurance if the Supreme Court rules the government erred in making subsidies available in all states.
Supreme Court Case May Be A Wake-Up Call For Republicans
Republicans fear backlash if they don’t have a plan to help those who might lose subsidies if the Supreme Court strikes down a key tenet of the health law.
Beyond ‘Repeal And Replace,’ Ideas Emerge To Improve, Simplify Health Law
Health policy experts present a list of possible fixes to the health law, including changing how subsidies are calculated and eliminating the individual mandate.
If Supreme Court Rules Against Insurance Subsidies, Most Want Them Restored
A new poll shows that most Americans favor governmental action to restore subsidies if the Supreme Court limits their availability.
Next Goal For Abortion-Rights Backers: Reducing Stigma
Groups urge women to tell their own abortion stories to helps change the public view of abortion.