Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Portion Of Obamacare
The court, based in New Orleans, agreed with a federal judge in Texas that the individual mandate section of the Affordable Care Act could not stand after Congress eliminated the tax penalty for not having coverage. But the case now heads back to the lower court to see how much of the law can remain.
Corte federal de apelaciones derrumba crítica parte del Obamacare
Todavía queda por delante un largo proceso judicial que tiene que determinar las partes de la ley que pueden seguir adelante sin un mandato individual.
What Would Happen If The ACA Went Away?
The Affordable Care Act has been on the books for nearly a decade. Parts of it have become ingrained in our health system ― and in our everyday life. But this could change, depending on a long-awaited 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision regarding the law’s constitutionality.
Candidatos apuestan fuerte por la salud. ¿Es lo que los votantes realmente quieren?
Una nueva encuesta revela que los votantes sí quieren que se hable de salud. Pero la pregunta del millón es: ¿apoyarán en las urnas un “Medicare para Todos”?.
Candidates Are Betting Big On Health. Is That What Voters Really Want?
Polls show that health care is at the top of voters’ issues, but the polls also say Democrats, let alone other Americans, are not ready for “Medicare for All.”
The Case Of The ACA’s Disappearing Taxes
When passing the Affordable Care Act, Democrats touted the fact that they had included many measures to pay for the bill’s expanded coverage. But nearly 10 years later, many of the “pay-fors” have been eliminated.
Médicos militares aprenden el valor de los perros que ayudan a sanar
Los perros que han estado en el Hospital Walter Reed desde 2007 ganan comisiones en el Ejército, la Armada, la Fuerza Aérea o los Marines. Sus chalecos designan su rango.
Sit, Heal: Dog Teaches Military Med Students The Merits Of Service Animals
Although service dogs are commonly seen at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a retriever mix is a clinical instructor in the Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology.
Health Plan’s ‘Cadillac Tax’ May Finally Be Running Out Of Gas
The tax on generous health plans — originally envisioned as a way to help pay for the ACA and change consumers’ behavior — has never been implemented, and Congress is considering repeal.
Watch: Defining The Debate On Health Care Coverage Options
Politicians are throwing around a lot of terms when they talk about their health care plans: universal care, “Medicare for All,” “Medicare Buy-In.” KHN helps explain what they are talking about.
Biden’s ‘Incremental’ Health Plan Still Would Be A Heavy Lift
The proposal is far from minimal and includes several provisions that Congress has failed repeatedly to enact, including some that were part of the original Affordable Care Act debate.
Federal Appeals Court Takes Up Case That Could Upend U.S. Health System
The Affordable Care Act is again being put to the test after a lower court judge ruled the massive health law unconstitutional. Could the case ricochet back to the Supreme Court in the throes of the 2020 presidential campaign season?
AMA Abortion Lawsuit Puts Doctors In The Thick Of Debate
The doctors’ group, which had not been very vocal in recent years on the issue, is taking an assertive stance. The AMA said North Dakota’s laws interfere with doctor-patient relationships.
Did The ACA Create Preexisting Condition Protections For People In Employer Plans?
Not exactly. We found that protections for preexisting conditions for most people with job-based insurance predated the Affordable Care Act by more than a decade.
Surprise! Fixing Out-Of-Network Bills Means Someone Must Pay
Despite the broad agreement on the need to address surprise bills, insurers and health care providers oppose the other side’s preferred solutions.
A Big Hearing For ‘Medicare-For-All’ — In A Small Room
In an unusual move, the House Rules Committee, instead of one of the panels that typically oversee health policy, held the first House hearing in a decade about converting the U.S. to a government-financed health care system.
Trump Administration And Democrats Return Health Law To Political Center Stage
The Justice Department asks a federal appeals court to strike down the Affordable Care Act, then, hours later, House Democrats unveil proposals to bolster the law.
Despite 1991 Ruling, Foes Of New Family Planning Rules See Law On Their Side
Lawyers seeking to block the Trump administration’s decision to alter rules for the Title X family planning program say their efforts will not be stymied by the Supreme Court’s approval of similar rules 28 years ago. They point to new protections enacted in the Affordable Care Act and language in funding bills that shifts the legal calculus.
Video: High Drama No Stranger At Congressional Health Care Hearings
Most hearings before the U.S. House and Senate are routine affairs. But a few tense moments featuring everyone from Hillary Clinton to tobacco CEOs drew the attention of millions of Americans.
Finalizan regla que busca expulsar a Planned Parenthood de programa de planificación familiar
Este programa proporciona anticonceptivos, pruebas y tratamiento para ETS a 4 millones de pacientes cada año. Planned Parenthood sirve a alrededor del 40% de ese número.