Medicaid Plans Cover Doctors’ Visits, Hospital Care — And Now Your GED
These private insurers say improving education can help enrollees achieve a healthier lifestyle, so some pay for the tests and find ways to assist people studying for the exams.
Short On Federal Funding, Obamacare Enrollment Navigators Switch Tactics
Enrollment is lagging this year as the Trump administration spends just $10 million on navigators to help individuals enroll in coverage, down from $63 million in 2016.
Bajo Trump, aumenta el número de niños sin cobertura médica por primera vez en años
En 2017, 376,000 niños se sumaron a las filas de los no asegurados, según un análisis de la Universidad de Georgetown. Y los latinos son los más afectados.
Under Trump, Number Of Uninsured Kids Rose For First Time This Decade
About 276,000 more children are among the uninsured, a new report finds. Though the uptick is statistically small, it is striking because uninsured rates usually decrease during periods of economic growth.
Midterm Election Boosts Medicaid Expansion, But Challenges Remain
Following the vote, nearly 500,000 uninsured adults in five states are poised to gain Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act, say advocates. But many conservatives remain opposed to the expansion.
Gun Store Owner Marshals Voters To Expand Medicaid In Idaho
Idaho is one of four conservative states where voters next month will determine whether to buck the GOP’s resistance to the Affordable Care Act and implement or renew its expansion of Medicaid to adults.
Booming Economy Helps Flatten Medicaid Enrollment And Limit Costs, States Report
The drop in the number of people enrolled in the federal-state program for low-income residents is the first since 2007.
Marketplace Subsidies May Be Option In 2020 For Plans That Skirt Obamacare
The new guidance allows states to ask for waivers from provisions in the Affordable Care Act governing not only subsidies, but also the benefits insurers must offer in all their plans.
Subsidios del mercado se podrían usar para planes que no cumplen con el Obamacare
Los estados podrían utilizar fondos federales para otorgar subsidios a las personas que compran planes de salud de corto plazo, bajo una nueva de la administración Trump.
Health Care Tops Guns, Economy As Voters’ Top Issue
Nearly three-quarters of voters say that health care is the most important issue for them, but fewer than half are hearing much from candidates about it, according to a poll released by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Medicare For All? CMS Chief Warns Program Has Enough Problems Already
Seema Verma, who heads the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, tells private insurance officials that a push by some Democrats to expand Medicare would only increase troubles the program already faces.
Medicare Advantage Riding High As New Insurers Flock To Sell To Seniors
The private health plans that are an alternative to government-run Medicare continue to grow despite the Affordable Care Act’s cuts of billions of dollars in funding.
Obamacare Premiums Dip For First Time. Some Call It A Correction.
The Trump administration announces that the average price for insurance offered to people buying their own coverage on federal exchanges is going down.
Doctors Give Medicare’s Proposal To Pay For Telemedicine Poor Prognosis
Federal officials are proposing that Medicare pay doctors for a 10-minute “check-in” call with beneficiaries. But many doctors already do this for free, and the plan would require a cost-sharing charge of many patients.
Medicare Advantage Plans Shift Their Financial Risk To Doctors
Some private Medicare Advantage plans are offering large physician-management companies more money upfront and control of their patients’ care, but the doctors are responsible for staying within the budget.
In Trump’s First Year, Nation’s Uninsured Rate Unchanged
The Census Bureau reports that the nation’s uninsurance rate was 8.8 percent in 2017 but notes that the rate did increase in 14 states.
Medicaid Covers Foster Kids, But Daunting Health Needs Still Slip Through The Cracks
Nearly all children in the foster care system are covered by Medicaid. Yet, foster parents still struggle to meet the extraordinary health needs of their children. To solve this, some states are experimenting with a coordinated approach to care — with mixed results.
Hospitals Battle For Control Over Fast-Growing Heart-Valve Procedure
Medicare limits payments for valve replacement via a catheter to hospitals with large numbers of heart procedures. But smaller facilities are crying foul.
Medicare To Overhaul ACOs But Critics Fear Less Participation
The moves could lead to a dramatic decrease in hospitals and doctors participating in the program, industry officials said.
Florida: elecciones de noviembre y la expansión de Medicaid
Expertos se preguntan si Florida seguirá el ejemplo de Virginia y aprobará la expansión de Medicaid en un futuro cercano.